Currently getting an alpha / minimum viable product done. This should be fairly easy, it’s mostly CRUD. After that, we can better focus on working with the local development team. UI work has been using mostly active_scaffold, at this point, though that may change.
Most helpful feature to work on would be a tree interface for selecting codes for a project/activity/line item, along with fields to enter amounts or %‘s for that code. No work has been done on that as of yet. Email Greg and he will describe this feature to you.
We may switch to Rails 3 after we have some alpha working.
Nothing is sacred, be vocal about ways to improve anything we are doing.
Join the discussion at:
Tracker should be public at this point. Click the “Join Project” button after visiting this website to get more than read access.
Let Greg know if you’re available to do some pairing/mentoring! Mega bonus points.
More info on collaborating with local Rwandan team can be got by emailing [email protected].
Please fork and clone the git repository. Then install rvm using the instructions below. We use rvm to standardize the Ruby and Gem environments across developers and to help new devs get up and running quickly.
install RVM if not already installed, see . Google / ask Greg if you have trouble.
cd resource_tracking
git checkout master
rvm install ree
rvm ree-1.8.7-2010.02
Now we’ll import the rvm gemset from default.gems.
rvm gemset create ree-1.8.7-2010.02@resource_tracking
rvm gemset import resource_tracking
Note: if you have an error with database gem you won’t be using, you can ignore it.
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
# edit config/datbase.yml per your environment. This file is not tracked by git. # create .rvmrc file so whenever we cd to RAILS_ROOT we are using the right Ruby version and gem set.
echo ‘rvm ree-1.8.7-2010.02@resource_tracking’ > .rvmrc
rake setup
Now you can choose a feature for the alpha, developing on a local feature branch (as per: Let Greg / the mailing list know if you have any questions. Thanks!