MMX - a simple AI-powered meme analysis tool.
Scrapes memes periodically and builds time-resolved meme database:
- module
Offers API endpoints with meme analytics:
- lists most popular memes with highest level of engagement
- clusters similar memes using ML techniques (cosine similarity + feature extraction)
- finds trends
Before building mmx, ensure you have:
- docker
- git-lfs
- a working Atlas MongoDB database (you can create a free db here); important: Atlas MongoDB is required to run the clustering algorithm)
To start mmx... clone the repo first.
Then, run the build script in development mode:
./ dev
which creates mongodb_url - a file where the mongodb database url is stored. You need to add your database here.
Start the containers:
./ dev all
Three containers are created:
- api (serves the webAPI to http://localhost:20410/api/v1/ via werkzeug)
- scrape (handles the scraping)
- feat_extract (handles the ML part)
Starting mmx in production mode
./ prod
gives an additional nginx docker serving as a reverse-proxy. Gunicorn is the WSGI server of the api docker.