Authors: Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xiao Zheng, Xinwang Liu, Wei Zhang, En Zhu
This repository contains simple Matlab implementation of our paper HCP-IMSC.
Framework of the proposed HCP-IMSC method. Multi-view affinity matrices
Prepare the data:
- The natural imcomplete datas, including 3sources, bbc, bbcsport can be obtained in
. - To generate the incomplete views, we first randomly select
$n_p$ samples and set them as paired ones which are observed in all views. For the rest$n-n_p$ samples, a random matrix $\mathbf{M} = [\mathbf{m}1, \mathbf{m}2,..., \mathbf{m}(n-n_p)] \in {0,1}^{(n-n_p)\times V}, 0<\sum{v=1}^V \mathbf{m}{iv} <V$ is generated. Then $m{iv} = 1$,$m_{jw} = 0$ are used to indicate that the$i$ -th sample is observed in$v$ -th view and$j$ -th sample is missing in$w$ -th view, respectively. The code can be found in.\Exp\Incomplete\randomly_generate_partial_data.m
- The natural imcomplete datas, including 3sources, bbc, bbcsport can be obtained in
Prerequisites for Matlab:
- Downloade graph signal processing toolbox GSPBox
- Test on Matlab R2018a
Run demo.m
Conduct clustering
- We also provide code for easily performing clustering results comparison.
- '.\Exp\plot_clustering_results_measured_by_acc.m'
- '.\Exp\report_clustering_results_measured_by_seven_metrics_on_3sources_bbc_bbcsport.m'
- '.\Exp\report_clustering_results_measured_by_seven_metrics_on_ORL.m'
- We also provide code for easily performing clustering results comparison.
Please cite our paper if you find the work useful:
author={Li, Zhenglai and Tang, Chang and Zheng, Xiao and Liu, Xinwang and Zhang, Wei and Zhu, En},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
title={High-Order Correlation Preserved Incomplete Multi-View Subspace Clustering},