48.0.0 (2022-10-05)
- feat!: remove support for VPC SSM parameters in GuVPC construct (abcdc3d)
- Support for VPC SSM parameters has been removed.
You will need to migrate to guardian/aws-account-setup instead.
See the migration section below for more info on how to do this.
Account setup, including VPC parameters is now done via:
and it is sensible to only manage these in a single place.
As a reminder, the parameters are typically:
('primary' may differ if you have overridden the prefix here.)
There is unfortunately no way to transfer Cloudformation
ownership of SSM parameters.
Therefore, to migrate you will need to:
raise a PR to add your account to
https://github.com/guardian/aws-account-setup but do not merge yet -
raise a PR bump guardian/cdk to latest in your projects that use
the GuVpc constructor but do not merge yet -
pause all Cloudformation deployments that use the VPC-related
SSM parameters for that VPC -
merge and deploy (2) - this will delete your existing parameters
merge and deploy (1) - this will recreate them via aws-account-setup
unpause any deployments from (3)
'pause' in (3) is probably best achieved by adding temporary RR
deployment restrictions. See: