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tuto prep part2
We suppose you have done Tutorial 1 part 1
- design reason : Starting with hydro, the kinematics plugin based on KDL and provided in MoveIt! can solve coupled joints if described with the mimic tag. However, the Shadow hand cannot use mimic joints because both joint angles are measured and the slave joint should not be overriden by the joint_state_publisher due to mimic of the master joint.
- historical reason : Even in the case of non-coupled joints, 3D IK was not accessible when the first arm_navigation config was generated for the Shadow Hand. An option to set KDL to solve position-only IK (3D IK) is available now.
- The idea is to write a specific IK solver that handles 3D IK and coupled-joints without mimic tag.
- The solver will be wrapped in a Kinematics Plugin.
- The original tutorial to create and integrate custom kinematics as plugins in MoveIt! can be found
here(deadlink) similar tuto here
The currently used solver (sr_hand_kinematics) is complex as it handles both services and a plugin. A simpler version just acting as a plugin is presented in this repository. It works for fingers not for the thumb.
Simplified IK with coupling
- The code for this tutorial is in
- Utilities functions are in hand_ik_utils.cpp to provide
- KDL chain access
- Coupling functions to maintain or update the coupling
- KDL library extension is available in
- The code for this tutorial is in
Base Kinematic Template
- MoveIt! provides a kinematic plugin base class with virtual and pure virtual methods.
- Our plugin must implement at least the pure virtual methods
- initialize()
- getJointNames()
- getLinkNames()
- getPositionFK()
- getPositionIK()
- searchPositionIK()
The code in hand_ik_coupling_plugin.cpp
is detailed below
The plugin is declared along with the base template it derives from
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS( hand_kinematics::HandIKCouplingPlugin, kinematics::KinematicsBase)
Initialize the plugin by using the robot description name to be loaded, the joint group to consider and the frames. Search discretization is not used in our plugin
bool HandIKCouplingPlugin::initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
const std::string& group_name,
const std::string& base_frame,
const std::string& tip_frame,
double search_discretization)
// Store the given values in the plugin
setValues(robot_description, group_name, base_frame, tip_frame, search_discretization);
urdf::Model robot_model;
std::string xml_string;
// Handle to access the parameters for this group
ros::NodeHandle private_handle("~/"+group_name);
// Load the robot model
while(!loadRobotModel(private_handle,robot_model,base_frame_,tip_frame_,xml_string) && private_handle.ok())
ROS_ERROR("Could not load robot model. Are you sure the robot model is on the parameter server?");
// Loading KDL Tree
ROS_ERROR("Could not load kdl tree");
return false;
The coupling parameters are also setup in the initialize method. One must set the callback functions. These functions are available in hand_ik_utils.h
. The coupling callback functions are static but could handle complex coupling over the range of motion.
// LF has 5 joints and specific update coupling function
// Assign update function for dynamic coupling
tip_frame_.find("mftip")!=string::npos ||
// Assign update function for dynamic coupling
ROS_ERROR("Cannot solve for %s",tip_frame_.c_str());
return false;
The fingers have only 3DOF and hence the IK can solve the problem for 3 task-space variables. In the Weighted Damped Least Square (WLSQ) method, a task-space weighting matrix is used to set the orientation to zero to not consider them.
Eigen::MatrixXd Mx(6,6);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < 6; i++)
for(unsigned int j=0; j < 6; j++)
Mx(i,j)= 0.0;
Mx(0,0)= 1.0; // coordinate X
Mx(1,1)= 1.0; // coordinate Y
Mx(2,2)= 1.0; // coordinate Z
Mx(3,3)= 0.0; // rotation X
Mx(4,4)= 0.0; // rotation Y
Mx(5,5)= 0.0; // rotation Z
Other parameters are set to init the solvers
// Set solver parameters
int maxIterations=1000; // solver max loops
double epsilon=0.001; // loop finish condition
double lambda=0.01; // used in WDLS algorithm;
// Init the solver infos
init_ik(robot_model,base_frame_,tip_frame_, joint_min_,joint_max_,ik_solver_info_);
fk_solver = new KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(kdl_chain_);
ik_solver_vel= new KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_wdls_coupling(kdl_chain_,epsilon,maxIterations);
// inverse kinematic for position, passing the ik vel and other parameters
ik_solver_pos= new KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL_coupling(kdl_chain_,
joint_min_,joint_max_,*fk_solver, *ik_solver_vel, maxIterations, epsilon);
return true;
The main function called by the planner for Inverse kinematics
bool HandIKCouplingPlugin::getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
std::vector<double> &solution,
moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
// Get the pose in KDL format
KDL::Frame pose_desired;
tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, pose_desired);
KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in;
KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_out;
One must take special care on the seed state which should match the coupling. A function is available in hand_ik_utils.h
to enforce the coupling.
// Get the seed state in KDL format
for(int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
jnt_pos_in(i) = ik_seed_state[i];
// Enforce the coupling in case the seed state given value do not
hand_kinematics::maintainCoupling(jnt_pos_in, tip_frame_);
The iterative solver sometimes need a new random seed state to get rid of local minima. A loop is added around the IK request. a each random seed the coupling must be maintained.
int ik_valid=-1;
// restart 10 times with different rand if no success
for(int i=0; i < 10 && ik_valid < 0; i++)
// DO the IK
ik_valid = ik_solver_pos->CartToJnt(jnt_pos_in, pose_desired, jnt_pos_out);
// generate a new random seed
// Enforce the coupling
hand_kinematics::maintainCoupling(jnt_pos_in, tip_frame_);
Finally the result is extracted.
// Extract the result
if(ik_valid >= 0)
for(int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
solution[i] = jnt_pos_out(i);
error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
return true;
error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::NO_IK_SOLUTION;
return false;
Four overloaded methods permit to retrieve the IK with more parameters and settings. In the tutorial, all of them will basically call the standard getPositionIK(), ignoring the extra parameters.
bool HandIKCouplingPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
double timeout,
const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
std::vector<double> &solution,
const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
return getPositionIK(ik_pose,ik_seed_state,solution,error_code,options);
Implements the forward kinematics. Coupling is not a problem in this computation, the standard code is used.
bool HandIKCouplingPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
KDL::Frame p_out;
KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in;
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tf_pose;
for(int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
jnt_pos_in(i) = joint_angles[i];
bool valid = true;
for(unsigned int i=0; i < poses.size(); i++)
if(fk_solver->JntToCart(jnt_pos_in,p_out,hand_kinematics::getKDLSegmentIndex(kdl_chain_,link_names[i])) >=0)
ROS_ERROR("Could not compute FK for %s",link_names[i].c_str());
valid = false;
return valid;
Both methods return the info stored in the ik_solver_info.
const std::vector<std::string> &HandIKCouplingPlugin::getJointNames() const
return ik_solver_info_.joint_names;
const std::vector<std::string> &HandIKCouplingPlugin::getLinkNames() const
return fk_solver_info_.link_names;
This was added originally and stayed there although new way to randomize the joint state exist now.
void HandIKCouplingPlugin::generateRandomJntSeed(KDL::JntArray &jnt_pos_in) const
for(int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
double min= ik_solver_info_.limits[i].min_position;
double max= ik_solver_info_.limits[i].max_position;
double r= min + ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX *(max-min);
jnt_pos_in(i)= r;
A good practice it to test the implemented code using gtest. The original test was taken from the pr2_moveit package and modified to handle coupling in the random generator.
The code in test_kinematics_as_plugin.cpp
is detailed below
First a testing class is declared to load and initialize the plugin. A plugin loader is created to handle a kinematics plugin
// plugin loader refering to the base class.
kinematics_loader_.reset(new pluginlib::ClassLoader<kinematics::KinematicsBase>("moveit_core", "kinematics::KinematicsBase"));
Then our plugin is instantiated
std::string plugin_name="hand_ik_coupling_plugin/HandIKCouplingPlugin";
kinematics_solver_ = kinematics_loader_->createUniqueInstance(plugin_name);
and initialized. A first test is done on the result on the initialization
return true;
return false;
The tests are embedded in Test functions called by the main. We implemented two tests
- one for initialization and settings checks
- one for forward and inverse kinematics at the same time
TEST(HandIKPlugin, initialize)
// Test initialization
// Test getting chain information
std::string root_name = my_test.kinematics_solver_->getBaseFrame();
EXPECT_TRUE(root_name == std::string("palm"));
std::string tool_name = my_test.kinematics_solver_->getTipFrame();
std::vector<std::string> joint_names = my_test.kinematics_solver_->getJointNames();
All the joints are tested for chain validity testing
FK and IK tests are done repeatedly in a loop
for(unsigned int i=0; i < (unsigned int) number_ik_tests; ++i)
seed.resize(my_test.kinematics_solver_->getJointNames().size(), 0.0);
fk_values.resize(my_test.kinematics_solver_->getJointNames().size(), 0.0);
kinematic_state.copyJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group, fk_values);
We must enforce the coupling to get good initialization of our IK solver
// Make the coupling 1:1 in random values
if(joint_names[0].find("TH")==std::string::npos && joint_names[0].find("LF")==std::string::npos)
else if(joint_names[0].find("LF")!=std::string::npos)
And compute a pose to test using the FK.
bool result_fk = my_test.kinematics_solver_->getPositionFK(fk_names, fk_values, poses);
// By the same way we check that the FK worked
Then the IK generates a joint space solution if found, including a test for success
bool result = my_test.kinematics_solver_->searchPositionIK(poses[0], seed, timeout, solution, error_code);
Finally the joint values are used to compute a new pose and checked against the original pose.
result_fk = my_test.kinematics_solver_->getPositionFK(fk_names, solution, new_poses);
// Check if the original pose matches the new pose
EXPECT_NEAR(poses[0].position.x, new_poses[0].position.x, IK_NEAR);
EXPECT_NEAR(poses[0].position.y, new_poses[0].position.y, IK_NEAR);
EXPECT_NEAR(poses[0].position.z, new_poses[0].position.z, IK_NEAR);
To run the test in your workspace
catkin build --catkin-make-args run_tests
you should see a result such as
[ROSUNIT] Outputting test results to /home/guihome/work/dev/catkin_ws/build/test_results/hand_ik_coupling_plugin/rostest-test_hand_kinematics_plugin_test.xml
testhand_kinematics_plugin_test_ff ... ok
testhand_kinematics_plugin_test_lf ... ok
testhand_kinematics_plugin_test_mf ... ok
testhand_kinematics_plugin_test_rf ... ok
* TESTS: 8
Note: Sometimes the lf fails to solve some positions.
- Plugin description file
- The file
describes the plugin
<library path="lib/libhand_ik_coupling_plugin"> <class name="hand_ik_coupling_plugin/HandIKCouplingPlugin" type="hand_kinematics::HandIKCouplingPlugin" base_class_type="kinematics::KinematicsBase"> <description> Computation of forward and inverse kinematics for the fingers of the Shadow Hand, including coupling. </description> </class> </library>
- The file
- Export the plugin
- In
the description file is exported
<export> <moveit_core plugin="${prefix}/hand_ik_coupling_plugin.xml" /> </export>
- In
- Check that the plugin is seen by ROS as a plugin
- source the new environment
source devel/setup.bash
- launch
You should see your new plugin in the listrospack plugins --attrib=plugin moveit_core
To integrate the newly created plugin into MoveIt! two techniques are possible
- Edit the files manually
- Edit the
file insr_moveit_hand_config
and change
byfirst_finger: kinematics_solver: kdl_kinematics_plugin/KDLKinematicsPlugin
first_finger: kinematics_solver: hand_ik_coupling_plugin/HandIKCouplingPlugin
- Edit the
- Relaunch the wizard to update the kinematics settings
- Relaunch the wizard
roslaunch sr_moveit_hand_config setup_assistant.launch
- In planning groups, double click on first_finger and select the newly added plugin
- Starting MoveIt! demo
- Launch the MoveIt! demo for the Shadow Hand
roslaunch sr_moveit_hand_config demo.launch
- Moving the first finger with the new IK
- In the Planning Request panel, activate the Query Start State
- Using the mouse, try move the marker at the tip using the arrows first (we are in a singular position)
- The plugin we created now solves the IK.
- Prepare a Goal state
- In the Planning Request panel, activate the Query Goal State
- Using the mouse, try move the marker at the tip using the arrows first (we are in a singular position)
- Re-activate both Start and Goal states
- Planning a movement
- In the Motion Planning panel, planning tab click on Plan
- You get a solution in a few seconds.
Next see Tutorial 2 dealing with using the MoveIt! configuration of the hand for dexterous motion planning.