#Confocal images analysis for study of Eli Lilly Images
##Packages to install
Clone the opencv repo at https://github.com/Itseez/opencv. Follow the instructions for installation on Linux at http://opencv.org/. Add to ~/.bashrc :
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib
To test sample opencv code, compile using
g++ < file_name > `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs`
##Build and run image analysis package
Inside the project root directory, type make to build the project. A binary called analyze will be created.
Command to run the software:
./analyze < image directory path with / at end >
Image directory path should have a original directory which contains the separate tiff images for the RGB layers.
image_list.dat has to be created inside the image directory path. This tracks the different images that are being processed and allows selective processing of one or more images.
Inside the image directory path, a directory called result gets created. This contains the raw, enhanced and analyzed images for each image.
The computed_metrics.csv contains the metrics results generated during the analysis.