BaseOrder = { rate : 0.0123, quantity : 300 }
OrderBook = [ { rate : 0.0123, quantity : 300 }, { rate : 0.0123, quantity : 300 } ]
SmallestSpread = { spreadPercent : 0.001, market : "BTC-XRP", symbol : "XRP", cost_USD : 0.45, cost_BTC : 0.00007319 }
marketHistory = { "Id" : 319435, "TimeStamp" : "2014-07-09T03:21:20.08", "Quantity" : 0.30802438, "Price" : 0.01263400, "Total" : 0.00389158, "FillType" : "FILL", "OrderType" : "BUY" }
public static void main(String[] args){
botManagerThread(); // spin up new bot singleton
class JsonParser { public static function expose($obj) { return get_object_vars($obj); }
public static function toJSON($obj){
return json_encode($obj, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
class JsonBase { public function toJSON(){ return json_encode($this->expose(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); }
public function expose() {
return get_object_vars($this);
class botManagerThread() extends JsonBase{
private $totalProfitUSD = 0;
private $profitPercent = 0;
private $startingBalanceUSD = 0;
private $currentBalanceUSD = 0;
private $upTime = 0;
private $totalDeficitUSD = 0;
private $startTime = now();
private $botsArray = Array();
private $profitBotsArray = Array();
private $deficitBotsArray = Array();
private $coinsToTradeArray = Array();
Inteface strategy{
public function run();
class Bot extends JsonBase implements Strategy{
private $limit;
private $limitStart;
private $aggression;
private $spreadMin;
private $spreadMax;
private $excludeCoins;
private $minUSDCost;
private $maxUSDCost;
private $percentChangeMax;
private $percentChangeMin;
private $profitUSDAmount;
private $profitBTCAmount;
private $profitPercent;
private $upTime;
private $startTime;
private $name;
private $startingBalanceUSD;
private $currentBalanceUSD;
private $currentBalanceBTC;
private $coinsToTrade = Array(); // ['BTC-XRP', 'BTC-XLM']
private $coinsInBuyOrderList = Array(); // ['BTC-XRP', 'BTC-XLM']
private $coinsInSellOrderList = Array(); // ['BTC-XRP', 'BTC-XLM']
private $buyOrderList = Array(); // an array of buy order coin list
private $sellOrderList = Array(); // an array of sell order coin list
private $pendingBuyOrderList = Array(); // an array of open buy order
private $pendingSellOrderList = Array(); // an array of open sell order
class BaseOrder extends JsonBase{
public $rate;
public $quantity;
class Order extends BaseOrder{
private $market;
private $time;
private $fillType; // partial || Full
private $OrderType; // buy || sell
private $filledAmount;
class MovingAverage extends JsonBase{
# SMA = simple moving average
# SMA = mean of values over time period
# For example, to calculate a basic 10-day moving average
# you would add up the closing prices from the past 10 days
# and then divide the result by 10.
# EMA = (P * a) + (previous EMA * (1-a))
# P = current price
# a = smoothing factor = 2 / (1 + N)
# N = number of time periods
# use SMA when previous EMA is unknown
private $SMA;
private $EMA;
private $previousEMA;
private $N_timePeriods;
private $a_smoothingfactor;
private $P_currPrice;
private $marketHistory;
private $runningTotal;
public static void main(String[] args){ $order = new Order(); $order->getQuantity();
// get Ticker - list of coins
// get coin market cap ticker
$coinMarketCap = new CoinMarketCap(market, limit);
// get smallest spread
// get buy order book
// get sell order book
// get trend
// buy on early uptrend
//log transaction
// sell at 10% of the trend
//log transaction
// rinse and repeat
$botRisky = new Bot( array( 'limit' => '100', 'spreadMin' => '0.02, 'spreadMax' => '0.02, //'excludeCoin' =>['USDT', 'TUSDT'], 'aggression' => 10, 'something' => '' ));