This repository hosts the backend for Temaribet,a professional tutoring platform based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Temaribet connects parents and students with highly qualified tutors, making personalized learning accessible, efficient, and stress-free for busy parents, ensuring academic success for children.
- Backend Framework: Express.js
- ORM: Prisma
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and bcrypt
- File Uploads: Multer and Cloudinary
- Environment Variables: dotenv
- Email Services: EmailJS
- Development Tools: Nodemon
├── config/ # Configuration files for the application.
├── lib/ # Library files and utilities.
├── middlewares/ # Middleware functions for request handling.
├── prisma/ # Prisma ORM setup and migrations.
├── routes/ # Route handlers for different endpoints.
├── utils/ # Utility functions and helpers.
├── server.js # Entry point of the application.
└── # Documentation.
flowchart TD
Client_UI -->|HTTP Requests| Express_Backend
Express_Backend -->|ORM| Prisma_ORM
Prisma_ORM -->|Database Operations| MongoDB_Database
MongoDB_Database -->|Responses| Prisma_ORM
Prisma_ORM -->|Responses| Express_Backend
Express_Backend -->|HTTP Responses| Client_UI
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd tts-api
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Access the application: The application will be accessible at http://localhost:4000.