I wrote this python program to run on a raspberry pi 3 B+ which acts like a thermostat. I could have bought a Nest or Ecobee, but what’s the fun in that? Plus it seemed simple enough for my first electrical project! I made two remote temperature/humidity sensors that report data to the thermostat every 5 seconds. When the temperature reaches below or above the set threshold, it truns on the correct relay to signal the furnace or air conditioner to turn on.
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+ $39.30
- Case for Raspberry Pi 3 $12.99
- 32GB Micro-SD $6.99
- 4-Channel Relay Module $8.99
- Set of Jumper Wires $6.98
- 5 Conductor Thermostat Wire $19.22
Total Cost*: $94.47
- ESP-WROOM-32 x2 $21.98
- Small Breadbaords x3 $8.21
- DHT22 Temp & Humidity Sensor x2 $10.99
- Set of Jumper Wires $-.--
- 5v 1A USB Power Supply x3 $8.99
- Micro USB Cable x3 $7.99
Total Cost: $58.16
Total Per Sensor: $24.89
*Not including tax