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John Ament edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 2 revisions

Bootstrapping Hammock

Hammock is based on the idea of starting a CDI container and tying into CDI container lifecycles to perform various operations - subscribing to queues, starting up HTTP listeners, etc. Some amount of servlet integration is required to make each container work. There are three bootstrap modules supported, which can be used to run your application

  • bootstrap-weld - Starts a Weld 2 (2.4.3) container, CDI 1.2 compatible
  • boostrap-weld3 - Starts a Weld 3 (3.0.0.CR2) container, CDI 2.0 compatible
  • bootstrap-owb - Starts a container using Apache OpenWebBeans (1.7.2), CDI 1.2 compatible

Presently, all Hammock components are based on CDI 1.2 and will be for some time.


Logging is provided by Log4j2. It is bootstrapped before starting any CDI container in the default mode. If you don't use ws.ament.hammock.Bootstrap and want to leverage logging, ensure that you set the system property System.setProperty("java.util.logging.manager","org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager");.

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