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Releases: hamza-cskn/obliviate-invs

Fixes and Configurable Gui Improvements

11 Nov 20:35
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What's Changed

  • feature(configurable-gui): specify item slots using "-" and "," by @discordrpc in #41
  • Update by @unfear-underscore in #47

New Contributors

  • @discordrpc made their first contribution in #41
  • @unfear-underscore made their first contribution in #47

Full Changelog: 4.2.0...4.3.0

Folia Support & Bug Fixes

02 Sep 16:08
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What's Changed

  • Fixed fillColumn not working by @uiytt in #27 (also reported #34)
  • Add Folia support with UniversalScheduler by @Deichor in #32
  • Fix getLastPage math problem by @Deichor in #33
  • Added more documents and events wiki page.
  • Added createInventory method to allow manipulating Bukkit inventory of the guis. (needed by #24)
  • Removed pseudo implemented cancellable event. (a19d0d2)

Thanks To New Contributors

Full Changelog:

Removing unnecessary dependencies from jar.

10 Aug 06:06
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ObliviateInvs had unnecessary dependencies that were already provided in the runtime environment, such as Adventure API and GSON. These dependencies caused issues for some developers. Furthermore, you don't need to include them. This release has removed those dependencies.

Full Changelog: 4.1.13...

1.20 Update

06 Jul 05:54
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This release adds support for 1.20 items on configurable GUIs module.

Full Changelog: 4.1.12...4.1.13

Adventure Components Support

17 May 08:02
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This release introduces support of adventure components.

What's Changed

  • Add adventure support by @efekurbann in #15
  • Refactor and improve usage of adventure support.
  • check correct inventory for an open slot by @Atilt in #18
  • optimizations and additional, flexible addItem method by @Atilt in #20

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.1.11...4.1.12

Colored Titles on Configurable Guis

01 Mar 07:39
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fix: titles are uncolored

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.1.10...4.1.11

Configurable Gui Improvements

31 Dec 21:38
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What's Changed

  • ConfigurableGui#putIcon deprecated. Use ConfigurableGui#addConfigIcon instead of it.
  • ConfigurableGui#getDysfunctional method added.
  • Added overloaded method for ConfigurableGui#addConfigIcon to process itemstacks at intermediate of icon put task.
  • ConfigIcon and DysfunctionalConfigIcon classes added to introduce config based icons.
  • ConfigIcon#getSection method added.
  • Gui#getLastSlot method added.
  • Added addItem() for Gui class by @n2g7mutf8 in #11

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.1.9...4.1.10

Hotfix | Pagination Cleaning Problem

23 Dec 21:32
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Minor Pagination Improvement

14 Dec 22:22
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Pagination Manager was don't clear icons when you went to last page. Actually you could call 'bug' it but it was just a thoughtlessness of me.

  • Pagination Module clears icons.
  • Minor Gui & Icon class improvements.

Full Changelog: 4.1.8...4.1.9

Advanced Slots fixes and improvements

21 Sep 21:01
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Important Notes For Developers

If you're don't using advanced slot module, you can ignore notes below.

onPreClick method splitted as onPrePutClick and onPrePickupClick. From this release onPut, onPickup, onPrePutClick and onPrePickupClick methods has second parameter to get clicked item. The clicked item; sometimes storing at event.getCurrentItem, sometimes at event.getCursor, sometimes at hotbar slot. Sometimes that problem going to very strange stages. That is why second parameter there is now. It'll give you true putted/picked item stack.

The item parameter is a non-null parameter. So, the event parameter cannot be null too.

Example Of An Advanced Slot Usage

this.advancedSlotManager.addAdvancedIcon(10, new Icon(Material.STONE))
                .onPrePickupClick((e, item) -> false)
                .onPrePutClick((e, item) -> false)
                .onPickup((e, item) -> {})
                .onPut((e, item) -> {});

Some developers needed to disabling item-refund-when-gui-close feature for some advanced slots. I added it.



fix: fix wrong put action trigger
feat: add pre pickup click action
fix: fix hotbar air swap bug
fix: fix wrong put item amounts specifying
fix: fix pre pickup action error
fix: fix multiple advanced slot bugs.
fix: click event trigger bugs about cursor/hotbar swap
fix: fix advanced slot managers doesn't registers itselfs.
feat: add item parameter for actions.
feat: add getPuttedItem method to advanced slot
fix: multiple advanced slots sometimes doesn't refund items.
feat: add disabling option of refund item feature for developers.


All known bugs have been fixed and minor features added.

Full Changelog: 4.1.7...4.1.8