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Data Augmentation for Object Detection

  Data Augmentation(DA) is a essential step in deep learning model training. Objcet Detection(OD), one of most important task in computer vision, is highly demand on annotation dataset.This repository propose an effective tool package for OD tasks, we named as detaug.

image 0: the image without augmentation.

1. Usage

  All of OD augmentation tool functions were packaged into detaug, you can use it by

python bdist_wheel

pip install ./dist/detaug-xxx-py3-none-any.whl

in your envionment, and the *.whl was stored in folder path ./dist/.

After detaug was installed, you could use it by import detaug.

2. Methods of detaug

SN name function
1 rotate Rotation
2 flip Flip
3 random_crop RandomCrop
4 random_hue RandomHue
5 random_swap RandomSwap
6 random_contrast RandomContrast
7 random_saturation RandomSaturation
8 gray_scale GrayScale
9 filter_transform FilterTransform
10 add_noise NoiseAdd
11 fusion ImagesFusion
12 perspective_transform PerspectiveTransform
13 hist_equalize HistEqualize

2.1 rotation

input = cv2.imread(imgpath)
result, tbboxes = detaug.Rotation(input, bboxes, angle=0, scale=1.0)

# format of bboxes is [[x1, y1, x2, y2, label], ...]
# angle: value in [0, 360], default 0 means without rotation
# scale: default 1, if rescale the output image, change it.

2.2. flip

input = cv2.imread(imgpath)
result, tbboxes = detaug.Flip(image, bboxes, direction='horizon')

# direction includes: horizon, vertical, horizon_vertical
# Flip is equal to rotation with angle 90, 180, 270 degree.

image 1: rotation     image 2. flip

#### 2.3. random crop #
input = cv2.imread(imgpath)
result, tbboxes = detaug.RandomCrop(input, bboxes, crop_size)

# crop_size:
# 2 formats:
#         int: output image shape: [crop_size, crop_size]
#         tuple or list: must be with 2 values like (w, h), output image shape: [w, h]

2.4. perspective transformation

result, tbboxes = detaug.PerspectiveCenterTransform(image, bboxes, direction, scale=0.8)
# direction: including 4 directions: top, bottom, left, right;
# scale: a float value in [0.0, 1.0], the perspetective transform edge scale ratio.

image 3: random crop     image 4. perspective transformation

2.5. add noise

result, tbboxes = detaug.NoiseAdd(image, bboxes, noise='salt', salt_ratio=0.3)
# noise: 'salt' or 'gauss';
# salt_ratio: a float value in [0.0, 1.0], the ratio of salt noise in whole image;

#scale: a float value over 0.0, the scale of gauss noise diameter.
result, tbboxes = detaug.NoiseAdd(image, bboxes, noise='gauss', scale=1.0)

2.6. image filter

input = cv2.imread(imgpath)

# 1. gauss blur
# kisze: a 2dim tuple, the shape of gauss blur kernel
result, tbboxes = detaug.FilterTransform(image, bboxes, filter='gauss', ksize=(5, 5))

# 2. median filter
# ksize: an int, the diameter of median filter kernel
result, tbboxes = detaug.FilterTransform(image, bboxes, filter='median', ksize=5)

# 3. avg filter
# ksize: a 2dim tuple, the shape of average filter kernel
result, tbboxes = detaug.FilterTransform(image, bboxes, filter='average', ksize=(5, 5))

# 4. bilateral
# d: an int, the diameter of filter kernel
# sigmaColor: an int, the incidence range of neighbor color, variance of color distribution
# sigmaSpace: an int, the incidence range of spatial neighbor coordinates, variance of spatial distribution
result, tbboxes = detaug.FilterTransform(image, bboxes, filter='bilateral', d=9, sigmaColor=50, sigmaSpace=50)

# 5. kernel filter, customized filter
# kernel: a numpy array, the customized filter kernel
result, tbboxes = detaug.FilterTransform(image, bboxes, filter='customized', kernel=np.array([[1. 1], [1. 1]]))

image 5: add noise     image 6. image filter

2.7. mixup

2.8. contrast

Adjust image contrast randomly.

input = cv2.imread(imgpath)
result, tbboxes = detaug.RandomContrast(image, bboxes, low=0.5, high=1.5)
# low, high: rescale image contrast with a random value, and the vaule is random selected in [low, high]

2.9. gray scale

input = cv2.imread(imgpath)
result, tbboxes = detaug.GrayScale(image, bboxes)
# convert BGR cv2 image to gray image and copy 3 equal channels

image 7: contrast transform     image 8. image gray scale

2.10. color channels shuffle

input = cv2.imread(imgpath)
result, tbboxes = detaug.RandomSwap(image, bboxes)

# random shuffling the order of RGB channels

2.11. image pyramid

results, tbboxes = [], []
for result, tbboxes in ImagePyramid(image, bboxes, num_levels=4):
    result, bboxes = ImagePyramid(image, bboxes, num_levels=4)

# num_levels: an int, the number of generating pyramid image levels.

2.12. hue

result, tbboxes = detaug.RandomHue(image, bboxes, delta=18.0)
# delta: a float over 0.0, the fluctuation range of random hue transforming.

2.13. saturation

result, tbboxes = detaug.RandomSaturation(image, bboxes, low=0.5, high=1.5)
# low: a float over 0.0, the lower boundray of added saturation random distribution;
# high: a float over low, the upper boundray of added saturation random distribution;

image 9: image RGB channels shuffling     image 10. saturation transformation

2.14. images fusion

dimg, dboxes = detaug.ImagesFusion(fg_image, bg_image, bboxes, dscale=0.3)

# merge background image with an annotated foreground image.
# fg_image: the foreground image loaded from cv2.imread;
# bg_image: the backround image loaded from cv2.imread;
# bboxes: the annotation of foreground image;
# dscale: value in [0.0, 1.0], the lower boundray ratio value if foreground image resize while fitting background iamge.

image 11: images fusion     image 12. histgram equalization


This respository supplied 2 kinds of multi-threding computing:

I. one augment image, one threding;

II. one augment method, one threding;

args_dict = {
    'flip': [
        {'direction': 'vertical'},
        {'direction': 'horizon_vertical'},
        {'direction': 'horizon'}
    'random_crop': [
        {'crop_size': 608},
        {'crop_size': [512, 608]},
        {'crop_size': (608, 416)}
 'filter_transform': [
     {'filter': 'gauss', 'ksize': (5, 5)},
     {'filter': 'average', 'ksize': (5, 5)},
     {'filter': 'median', 'ksize': 5}
 'rotate': [
     {'angle': -5},
     {'angle': 5},
     {'angle': 355},
     {'angle': 185}],

# one augmented method, one threding
aug_imgs, aug_anns = detaug.GroupAug(image, bboxes, args_dict)




  1. support both multi-process and single process
  2. offline and online

Environment Requirement


Version update

  • 0.1.1.

the initial version of OD augmentation package;

  • 0.1.2.

update perspective transform, RGB image hist equlization, random crop.

  • 0.1.3.

update the method of iteration output return while using detaug.GroupAug.

  • 0.1.4.

fixed the bug: function NoiseAdd processed on original image.

  • 0.1.5.

fixed the bug: added @decorator to avoid changing original image.

  • 0.1.6.

[1]. update the method of bounding-box coordinates mapping in perspective transform, replace 2 points(left-top, right-down) with full 4 corner points;

[2]. update threshold of croped boxes filtering with min bounding-box width or height, adding a ratio threshold fine-tuning.

  • 0.1.7.

added limits of bounding-box size in image rotation, based on minimum width or height in origin bounding-boxes, adding a ratio threshold fine-tuning.

  • 0.1.8.

update random-crop, solved the problem of abnormal image as output while abnornal crop size.


Data Agumentation for Object Detection.






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