YalaPay B2B Web App streamlines invoice management, payment processing, and cheque handling for efficient financial transactions between companies and customers.
- Vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- IndexedDB
- MongoDB
- Mongoose (for MongoDB data modeling)
- Node.js
- Express.js APIs
- Dashboard: Display summary of invoices and cheques.
- Customer Management: List, search, add, update, and delete customers.
- Invoice Management: List, search, add, update, and delete invoices.
- Payment Management: List, search, add, update, and delete payments for invoices.
- Cheque Management: Add, list, update, and delete cheques deposits.
- Reports: Generate invoices and cheques reports by period and status.
- Design and implement Web UI using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Client-side data access using IndexedDB for data storage.
- Application Design: Entities Class Diagram and Repositories Class Diagram.
- Testing Documentation with screenshots illustrating the testing results.
- Design and implement database schema using MongoDB, including schema diagram.
- Populate MongoDB with data from JSON files.
- Implement repository methods to read/write data from MongoDB.
- Implement Web API using ExpressJS repositories, services and routers.
- Update Web UI to use Web API instead of IndexedDB for data retrieval.