Take a look at my projects!
If you want to check all the practice notebooks I've done, you can look this folder Deep learning path.
Udacity Nanodegree program here.
Sentiment Analysis: implements a scratch neural network that is able to classify a movie review into negative or positive.
Predicting bike sharing: use a scratch neural networks to predict the number of bikeshare users on given day.
- Dog breed classifier: implements an image classifier for dog breeds using CNN.
- TV Script Generation: train a Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) to generate scripts in the style of dialogue from Seinfeld.
- Face Generation: use a DCGAN on the CelebA dataset to generate images of new and realistic human faces.
- Deploying a Sentiment Analysis: use AWS SageMaker to build a sentiment analysis web app to classify a movie review into negative or positive.
- Digit classification (CNN): implements an digit classifier (0 to 9).
- Concrete crack (CNN): implements an image classifier for concrete cracks data.