Arduino library for the luxmeter used in the mystery module B_LUX_V30B module. The B_LUX_V30B is sold online under brands like DFRobot and BCE. However, the module appears to have incomplete/incorrect IIC protocol implementation which prevents the use of Wire library of Arduino. The library developed by is based on a software implementation of non-standard IIC bus cannot simultaneously operate with the Wire library on the hardware SCL and SDA pins. (e.g. ISSUE). This repository enables the B_LUX_V30B module to be operated by Wire library, thus eliminates the need of extra 2 pins for customized software IIC implementation. This repository distributes with GPLv3 license.
This library was modified from
-- Tested Platform
Seeeduino XIAO (samd)
Revision history:
- rev 1.0.0 - modified for B_LUX_V30B
-- original repository
Revision history:
- rev. 1.0.0 - added support for Wire library
- rev. 1.0.1 - fixed initialization bug - fixed lux reading mode