- Make sure you have a google account to log into the catalog
- The instance can be accessed via ssh at with port 2200
- Access the catalog at http://ec2-52-38-253-248.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/ This is important because Google's OAuth framework doesn't allow external IPs to be used as authorized redirect URIs.
- Added user "grader" and added them to the sudoers
- Disabled remote ssh root access
- Configured SSH port to 2200, to allow http on port 80, and to allow NTP on port 123
- Gave apache read/write permissions to database and image directory (for item images)
- Added to /etc/hosts to resolve "unable to resolve host ip-10-20-15-40" errors
- Apache web server with mod-wsgi library
- Postgres
- Item catalog source
- Python Flask and related libraries
- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-deploy-a-flask-application-on-an-ubuntu-vps - used this guide to configure item-catalog.wsgi correctly.