This repository is to host Dockerfile for different purposes. The base image is Ubuntu 16.04, The installed software development packages are:
- Git
- SQLite 3
- NodeJS 8 LTS and NPM 5.6
- Angular CLI 6.0.5
- Electron 2.0.2
- Yarn 1.7.0
- Go 1.10.2
- PostgreSQL 10.4
- .NET Core 2.1.200
- PHP 7.2.5
- Composer 1.6.5
- Python 3.6.5
- Java OpenJDK 8
- Jenkins 2.107.3
- Perl 5.22.1
- Nginx 1.13.12
- SDKMAN! 5.6.4
- Maven 3.5.3
- Gradle 4.7
- Kotlin 1.2.41
- Grails 3.3.5
- Scala 2.12.6
- Spring CLI 2.0.2
sudo docker build -t dockdev:1.0 .
sudo docker run -it dockdev:1.0
Username: postgres
Password: 123
None. No port is exposed. You need to identify the IP address of the Docker container running based on this Docker image first, and then connect to that IP address and the ports that you are using.
Since this Dockerfile contains many software development packages, there are a few things that we must be aware before using this Dockerfile:
- The internet bandwidth consumption needed to pull the packages will be quite a lot. Don't use any quota-based internet connection.
- The resulting image size of this Dockerfile will be quite a lot.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details