These are the setup instructions to demonstrate the backbone of a Debezium implementation. Steps to run the demo are in the document EndToEndDemo.adoc |
These instructions walk you through the installation of Debezium on an OpenShift 4.3 (and above) cluster.
There is a small app at the heart of the demo that is writing to a MySQL database (it’s added to this repo as a submodule).
We start with that app and slowly add the following:
This repo has sub-modules
To clone this repo as required, you will need to issue this command git clone --recurse-submodules Where is assumed to be the repo name |
Commands assume that you have run this command from the root of the git repo. source scripts/ |
First log into an OpenShift 4.3 cluster using an account with cluster-admin privileges.
First thing that needs to be done is to deploy the original application including a MySQL database that is ready to be connected to Debezium.
As part of this process, the current user will be granted anyuid
scc privileges as this is required for the debezium provided database[1]
The script will also create the database and check that the schema has been created correctly.
If all went well, the last lines of output should look like this:[2]
MYSQL Pod is: mysql-1-r5kb4 mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. count(*) 0 --> Found Docker image 88d914b (7 months old) from for "" S2I (GraalVM Native) ------------------------------- S2I image for building Kubernetes Native Java GraalVM applications and running its Native Executables Tags: builder, java, quarkus, native * An image stream tag will be created as "ubi-quarkus-native-s2i:19.0.2" that will track the source image * A source build using binary input will be created * The resulting image will be pushed to image stream tag "quarkus-transaction-crud:latest" * A binary build was created, use 'oc start-build --from-dir' to trigger a new build * This image will be deployed in deployment config "quarkus-transaction-crud" * Port 8080/tcp will be load balanced by service "quarkus-transaction-crud" * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "quarkus-transaction-crud" --> Creating resources ... "ubi-quarkus-native-s2i" created "quarkus-transaction-crud" created "quarkus-transaction-crud" created "quarkus-transaction-crud" created service "quarkus-transaction-crud" created --> Success Use 'oc start-build quarkus-transaction-crud' to start a build. Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below: 'oc expose svc/quarkus-transaction-crud' Run 'oc status' to view your app. patched Uploading directory "/workspaces/cdc-and-debezium-demo/demo-crud-app" as binary input for the build ... ........................... exposed Transaction generating application can be found at
Click on the link provided and you should see the app from the introduction
AMQ Streams is easily setup using an Red Hat’s AMQ Operator. This can be installed manually or can be done using the provided script. Debezium will leverage Kafka’s KafkaConnect functionality to allow changes sourced from the target database to be turned into consumeable events.
The script will do the following:
Install amqstreams.v1.3.0 operator
Create a kafka cluster in the debezium-cdc project
install a secret for accessing (this is where the kafkaconnects2i image lives)
Create the KafkaConnectS2I instance (for building the debezium connector)
Now that the KafkaConnectS2I builder is installed, we can start a binary build with all our connector information.
This repo already has a local version of all the plugins the debezium connector needs at $DEMO_HOME\kube\kafka\connect-plugins
but if you want to see where they were downloaded from (or want to update the contents of this directory) you can do the following:
rm -rf $DEMO_HOME/kube/kafka/connect-plugins $DEMO_HOME/scripts/
Once we have our debezium plugins downloaded (which includes the MySQL plugin that we’ll use to connect to the demo app’s database we set up previously) we can create the connector
This script will do the following:
build the debezium kafka connector from what’s in the connect-plugins directory
Create a route to the connect api
Check that the debezium kafka connector can be reached
Register and configure a new connector at the end point called
If the command has run successfully, you should see this at the end of the run:
Checking that the mysql connector has been initialized: ["debezium-connector-mysql"] done.
This indicates that the connector has been successfully built, deployed, and a configuration called debezium-connector-mysql
has been registered. If you are not seeing this output, then check the Common Issues section below.
Here are some of the aspects that were configured as part of debezium-connector-mysql
For more information about this configuration, see the documentation here.
If the connector is setup correctly it will create a number of different topics based on the database and the events it’s been configured to look for. For more information see the official web site
You can a list of all currently registered topics (including those registered by the connector) by running this command oc exec -c kafka my-cluster-kafka-0 -- /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 -n debezium-monitoring --list |
If you see this error:
The ImageStreamTag "my-connect-cluster-connect-source:1.3.0" is invalid: from: Error resolving ImageStreamTag my-connect-cluster-connect-source:1.3.0 in namespace debezium-cdc: unable to find latest tagged image
It’s probably an issue with your credentials. Open the ImageStreams tab of the project and look at the my-connect-cluster-connect-source
image stream. If you see a warning at the top that when expanded looks like this:
Then you likely have an issue with the secret that was provided to log into Check your login details and update the secret connects2i
and re-run the script.
The official documentation generally recommends linking the oc secrets link default connects2i -n debezium-cdc oc secrets link builder connects2i -n debezium-cdc |
In some cases if you can’t get the imagestream to do the pull correctly, you might need to completely uninstall the kafka operator (not just the connnect component) to get things to reset
oc delete csv/amqstreams.v1.3.0
Test the connector by seeing messages come in as we change records in the demo-app’s database
Start watching the queue that represents database cdc events
oc exec -c kafka my-cluster-kafka-0 -n debezium-cdc -- /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic transaction --from-beginning --max-messages 1
open the demo-app
Click buy
You should see the following from the consumer window:
or prettified:
Next we’ll install Fuse online as the bridge between our CDC events from Debezium to our Elasticsearch instance.
If you didn’t bring your own Elasticsearch instance
This demo can be setup to connect to any Elasticsearch instance to which you have access. If you don’t have one handy, you can attempt to setup your own instance by installing cluster-logging on the OpenShift cluster. You can setup cluster-logging by following the directions here. |
Install Fuse Online into our cluster by running this script:
This script does the following:
Installs the FuseOnline operator
Installs an instance of FuseOnline in the debezium-cdc project and waits until it finishes
Finds the route to the FuseOnline dashboard
When the installation is complete, you should see the route to the FuseOnline (Syndesis) dashboard printed out. Follow this link and log in with your OpenShift credentials. You should then see the following screen:
Now in the UI, navigate to create connection:
First we’re going to connect to our kafka cluster so that we can subscribe to the appropriate Debezium topic. Look for the kafka connector by typing that into the filter and select the Kafka Message Broker
Next, fill in the details as shown to access the kafka broker service (assuming that the name shown is your service name and you’ve deployed fuse into the same project as the kafka cluster). Check to make sure everything is good by clicking on Validate before clicking Next
You can’t use https to connect to the broker or you will get OOM errors (per Fuse documentation) |
Click Next for the next screen and then you’ll be returned to the connections screen. Next let’s connect to our Elasticsearch instance
For this section, we’re going to assume you’re connecting to the elasticsearch instance that is installed on the cluster in the At the time of this writing, the cluster-logging ElasticSearch version was 5.6.x. Documentation for this version can be found here. This section assumes that an "Elasticsearch proxy" is used to make connection to Fuse easier. Follow the instructions here to setup the Elasticsearch proxy. |
Click on connections as before, search for http, and select the HTTP Connector
The HTTP Connector is a very simple connector that just allows the calling of an http endpoint. We will be calling our proxy which will do some important things for us:
It will provide an "Authorization Bearer: " token to the openshift-logging Elasticsearch instance (using default sa for project)
It will allow connection to an insecure (i.e. self-signed) endpoint (which is not yet possible via the HTTPS connector in the previous image, see here)
Given that the proxy is doing the heavy lifting, we just need to enter the name of our proxy (service) in the box as shown:
Then click validate. This should result in the green message as seen above (if not, this might indicate an issue with the elasticsearch-proxy setup). Once the connection is validated, click next.
Give a description and a name as you see fit.
This section can be skipped by importing into Fuse Online the files found in this directory. You can move on to publishing the integration. |
Now we going to use the two connectors you setup previously and connect them together
To create a new integration, click on Integrations and then the Create Integration button.
Next choose the Kafka Message Broker connection:
Then modify the subscription by clicking on Select
On the next page use the dropdown to select the sampledb.sampledb.transaction
topic and then click Next:
We want the Kafka connection in this integration to not be typeless. So next we’ll provide a sample JSON instance to Fuse Online to allow it to intuit the schema. To do this:
select JSON Instance from the dropdown
then paste the contents of
in the textbox -
Then provide a name (and optionally a description) for this connection
Then click Next
When you are returned to the (new) Integration screen, click on the HTTP tile to start leveraging the http connector:
Enter the following for Method and URL Path and click Next
Next we need to indicate an example of the data (again by way of a JSON Instance) that we want to POST
to our HTTP endpoint. You can take the information in elasticsearch-example.json and paste it into the Definition field.
This is a necessary pre-requisite to being able to add a datamapper |
Next we need to add a step between our Source and Sink to map our input schema into our output schema. This is where a lot of the power of Fuse is seen.
Click the + between the Source and Sink. Then on the next screen, select the Data Mapper tile
Next expand the Source data (1), specifically payload > after (which represents the fields in the DB after the data change event), then expand the Target data. Now select the source data instance and then the target data instance for amount (2) and then transactionId (3). Finally, click Done (4)
Just to show off a little bit of what Fuse can do, we’ll also add a filter that only sends information to the sink (target) if the amount is more than 1000 dollars.
To start this process, click the +
between the datamapper and the target Http Connection. Then select Basic Filter
Because of where in the integration we’ve chosen to add the filter, that is, after the data mapping step, we will be operating on the target fields. The dropdowns on the Basic Filter details screen are pre-populated based on this.
Fill in the fields to match the screenshot (amount greater than 1000) and then click Done
Now that our integration is defined, when we return to the integration overview page, we can click the Publish button to deploy our integration. When prompted, name your integration and then click Save and Publish
Once published, the integration needs to get built and deployed on OpenShift (which can take a while). You can monitor progress from the main Fuse Online Dashboard:
If it takes a long time to deploy, then see the troubleshooting section.
Sometimes integrations fail to publish due to the integration build failing to access the image from Red Hat’s image registry. To check this, go to Builds and then see if there is a build named for your integration that is set to Failed. Check the build logs. If you see the following, then you have a authentication issue:
Receiving source from STDIN as archive ... Caching blobs under "/var/cache/blobs". Warning: Pull failed, retrying in 5s ... Warning: Pull failed, retrying in 5s ... Warning: Pull failed, retrying in 5s ... error: build error: After retrying 2 times, Pull image still failed due to error: unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: Please login to the Red Hat Registry using your Customer Portal credentials. Further instructions can be found here:
To fix this, you need to make sure the
FIXME FIXME FIXME> Pickup from here with filling in the HTTP connector
FIXME: Datamapper
FIXME: Filter
FIXME: Export, name of file and add quick instructions for it…
The debezium connector we deployed has also the JMX plugin installed within it that allows it to expose metrics to openshift. We’ll take advantage of OpenShift’s custom ServiceMonitor (new in OpenShift 4.3) to dump those metrics into the central OpenShift prometheus instance
The metrics were actually enabled in the previous step. They were defined in the KafkaConnectS2I instance under the metrics
To setup custom monitoring run:
Which does the following:
Activates and enables UserWorkloads by updating
waits for user-workload pods to come up successfully in openshift-monitoring
creates a ServiceMonitor to scrape metrics out of the debezium connector
You can tell the custom monitoring has been successful by navigating to the central metrics dashboard and typing in a metric that starts with debezium
(see also the metrics section of kafkaconnects2i-my-connect-cluster.yaml)
Now that (debezium-based) metrics are coming in from our debezium connector and flowing into the openshift-monitoring
prometheus instance, we can now setup a custom dashboard to visualize our connector. The dashboard we’ll be installing is based on the work by Bhunvanesh in his post here.
There are a few things we need to keep in mind before setting up this connector:
There is no ability to create a custom dashboard in the built-in
grafana because admin access is not possible thus we need to create our own -
The existing grafana operator (v2.0.0) does not support a version of grafana that has the necessary features for use to configure querying the central
prometheus thus we will install the operator apart from the OLM and the operator’s repo is setup as a submodule of this one -
There appears to be a bug in the translation of the
CustomResource into a ConfigMap for the Grafana instance thus we install theGrafanaDashboard
and ConfigMap at the same time using a template
The installation of the custom Grafana dashboard should be fully automated by running this script with the following two parameters:
Project Name: The name of the project to deploy the dashboard in. Default is
Grafana Admin Password: The admin password for use in accessing Grafana in admin capacity. Default is
The dashboard will connect to the For more details, look into the bash script |
$DEMO_HOME/scripts/ debezium-monitoring openshift
When the script has finished, you should see the following which ends with the route to the new Grafana instance
Warning: oc apply should be used on resource created by either oc create --save-config or oc apply configmap/grafana-datasources configured created deployment.extensions/grafana-deployment condition met
Click on that link (note that sometimes that pod hasn’t completely finished initializing) and log into the dashboard using the admin password you specified earlier
Once logged in, you should be able to find the debezium dashboard by clicking on Home and then selecting the debezium dashboard:
Opening the dashboard you should see something like this:
To get the metrics to look more real-time, you might consider adjusting the timings in the upper right corner of the dashboard
(among other things). The MySQL database that is used in this demo is from a debezium image and is already setup in this way. If you use a different MySQL image you will need to ensure the MySQL database is configured correctly as outlined here