Created this repository as practice for coding in Rust using Leetcode problems.
- 2020/12/19: Problem 54 (0054_spiral_matrix)
- 2021/02/02: Problem 1 (0001_two_sum)
- 2021/02/13: Problem 2 (0002_add_two_numbers)
- 2021/12/21: Problem 3 (0003_longest_substring)
- 2022/01/03: Problem 9 (0009_palindrome_number)
- 2024/10/03: Problem 13 (0013_roman_to_integer)
- 2024/10/19: Problem 14 (0014_longest_common_prefix)
- 2024/10/25: Problem 20 (0020_valid_parenthesis)
- 2024/10/27: Problem 21 (0021_merge_two_sorted_lists)
- 2024/10/31: Problem 26 (0026_remove_duplicates)
Cargo syntax for creating projects that begin with numeric values. This is because crates cannot begin with numeric values by convention.
cargo new 0054_spiral_matrix --name spiral_matrix
cargo new 0001_two_sum --name two_sum
cargo new 0002_add_two_numbers --name add_two_numbers
cargo new 0003_longest_substring --name longest_substring
cargo new 0009_palindrome_number --name palindrome_number
cargo new 0013_roman_to_integer --name roman_to_integer
cargo new 0014_longest_common_prefix --name longest_common_prefix
cargo new 0020_valid_parenthesis --name valid_parenthesis
cargo new 0021_merge_two_sorted_lists --name merge_two_sorted_lists
cargo new 0026_remove_duplicates --name remove_duplicates