Choose the "Genotyping" option to open the Project Wizard
Name the project "CDB_Y_chrom"
Choose the "Use sample sheet to load sample intensities" option
Input the path to three files provided by the genotyping facility
- Sample sheet (.csv)
- Directory for all your sample iDAT files
- Directory for the Manifest (.bpm)
include path to cluster file
- Use default Gen Call Threshold of 0.15, click "Finish" to load project into GenomeStudio.
- Once samples are loaded, updated SNP statistics
- Update sample statistics by clicking the calculator icon in the Samples Table (bottom left)
- Add gender data into sample table using File > Import Phenotype Information from file > select file with gender info from desktop. This file must have two columns: the first listing the index of the sample in the sample sheet, and the second listing the gender of the sample at that index. The syntax must be "Male", "Female", or "Unknown".
- For some reason, GenomeStudio wasn't reading the sample sheet in correctly if the gender column was anything other than "Unknown" when loading the project, but luckily there is a way to add that information into the sample table after the loading in the project.
- Filter the sample table (bottom left) by Males only using the "filter rows" button (Looks like an upside triangle with a line underneath it)
- Filter the SNP table (upper right, second tab) by Y chromosome only using the filter rows button there.
- From the same Samples Table, Plot 'p10 GC' against 'Call Rate' and exclude all samples that do not lie in the major group. We chose to filter by a call rate threshold of 0.9
- Using the filter rows button, apply the following filters:
- Rep errors <= 2
- cluster sep >0.02
- AB freq <= 0.05
- The requires you to install a plug-in available at:
- Using the Report Wizard (Analysis > Reports > Report Wizard... from the top menu), export these to a PLINK formatted report
- Change ForwardStrand param to true
- Remove all non-visible SNPs, zeroed SNPs and excluded individuals
- Convert to bed/bim/fam format
cd /share/hennlab/data/snp-array/SAfrica_IlluminaArrays/CDB_NCTB_H3Africa/Y_chrom/
plink --file GenomeStudio_Output/CDB_Y_chrom --make-bed --out CDB_Y_chrom
- Remove Duplicates:
plink --bfile CDB_Y_chrom --list-duplicate-vars suppress-first --out CDB_Y_chrom wc -l CDB_Y_chrom.dupvar # Only 3 duplicates found plink --bfile CDB_Y_chrom --exclude CDB_Y_chrom.dupvar --make-bed --out CDB_Y_chrom.noDups
- Update SNP ids
source /share/hennlab/progs/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate SNP-QC
Rscript update_rsID_bim_v2.R --bim CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.bim --rsid /share/hennlab/reference/dbSNP/snp144_snpOnly_noContig.bed --out CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.rsids.bim # script from snake-SNP_QC pipeline on GitHub
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
2055 out of 2236 rsids corrected.
cp CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.bed CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.rsids.bed
cp CDB_Y_chro
m.noDups.fam CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.rsids.fam
Rscript update_rsID_bim_v2.R --bim /share/hennlab/data/snp-array/SAfrica_IlluminaArrays/CDB_NCTB_H3Africa/Y_chrom/CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.2.bim --rsid /share/hennlab/reference/dbSNP/snp144_snpOnly_noContig.bed --out CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.2.rsids
For some reason, some duplicates are not getting removed by plink and are causing issues with the rsid updater. Figure out which snps are causing issues with the rsid updater and remove them from dataset:
cut -f4 plink_QC/CDB_Y_chrom.noDups.bim | uniq -cd
2 6736443
2 24464597 # these two snps are getting past the duplicate filter
grep "6736443" CDB_Y_chrom.bim
24 kgp30522265 0 6736443 T C
24 rs35815655 0 6736443 A G
grep "24464597" CDB_Y_chrom.bim
24 h3a-req-Y_24464597 0 24464597 0 G
24 rs2268591 0 24464597 0 C
Add first one manually to "CDB_Y_chrom.dupvar"
Rerun duplicate remover:
plink --bfile CDB_Y_chrom --exclude CDB_Y_chrom.dupvar --make-bed --out CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix
Rerun rsids updater
source /share/hennlab/progs/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate SNP-QC
Rscript update_rsID_bim_v2.R --bim CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix.bim --rsid /share/hennlab/reference/dbSNP/snp144_snpOnly_noContig.bed --out CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix.rsids.bim # script from snake-SNP_QC pipeline on GitHub
cp plink_QC/CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix.bed CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix.rsids.bed cp plink_QC/CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix.fam CDB_Y_chrom.noDups-fix.rsids.fam
run snap