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Henn Lab SNP Array QC pipeline from GenomeStudio Output

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Henn Lab SNP-QC pipeline Steps

Location of manual pipeline instructions:

1. GenomeStudio 2.0

This is a free Windows-only GUI program from Illumina that you will have to create an account to download.

1.1 Make new project

  • Choose the "Genotyping" option to open the Project Wizard
  • Name the project and put it wherever you want on your system
  • Choose the "Use sample sheet to load sample intensities" option
  • Input the path to three files provided by the genotyping facility
    • Sample sheet (.csv)
    • Directory for all your sample iDAT files
    • Directory for the Manifest (.bpm)
  • If you were provided with a cluster file (.egt), you can include the path to that
  • Under the "Project Creation Actions" section:
    • If your system does not have much RAM, select 'Cluster SNPs' option
    • Use default Gen Call Threshold of 0.15
  • Click "Finish" and your project will be loaded into GenomeStudio. This could take the better part of an hour depending on the number of samples and the speed of your system.

1.2 Sample QC

  • Once your samples are loaded into GenomeStudio, you should be prompted to update SNP statistics. This could take a few hours depending on the number of samples and the speed of your system.
  • Update sample statistics by clicking the calculator icon in the Samples Table (bottom left). This can take an hour depending on the number of samples and the speed of your system.
  • From the same Samples Table, Plot 'p10 GC' against 'Call Rate' and exclude all samples that do not lie in the major group
  • Choose a Call Rate threshold (0.9 is standard but use the plot to guide your decision). This will remove all samples below the threshold from further analysis

1.3 SNP QC

These are some standard QC metrics we use for genotype data. Depending on the quality of your data, you can adjust things accordingly

  • Navigate to the SNP Table in the Upper Right panel of GenomeStudio and apply the following filters:
    • Call freq > 0.85 (will generally exclude all of chr Y)
    • Rep errors <= 2
    • Cluster separation values > 0.02 for this one choose from the "Column" section to get access to the "Sub Columns section"
    • Heterozygote rate ("AB Freq") <= 0.80
    • Add a minor allele frequency filter "Minor Freq" >= 0.05 to capture the common variants The bottom line in the filter window should look similar to this: [ ("Call Freq" > 0.85 ) AND (".Cluster Sep" > 0.02 ) AND ("Rep Errors" <= 2 ) AND ("AB Freq" <= 0.8 ) AND ("Minor Freq" >= 0.05 ) ]

1.4 Write common variants to PLINK file

1.5 Identify SNPs with poor cluster separation or excessive replicate errors

  • Clear the previous filter, and apply the Rep Errors > 2 and Cluster Sep < 0.02 filters only, using an OR statement One liner: [ [ ("Rep Errors" > 2 ) OR ("<all.columns>.Cluster Sep" < 0.02 ) ] ]
  • Select only the 'Name' column, and export the resulting table to a file using the button in the SNP Table menu

1.6 Identify rare SNPs to be replaced by zCall:

  • Clear the previous filter, and apply the Minor allele frequency < 0.05 filter. This will display a list of SNPs whose calls should be replaced by the results of zCall. One liner: [ ("Minor Freq" < 0.05 ) ]
  • Select only the 'Name' column, and export the resulting table to a file using the button in the SNP Table menu

1.7 Export data for zCall

For the first file:

  • Clear all filters
  • Click 'Full Data Table' tab (to the left of the 'SNP Table' tab)
  • Click 'Column Chooser' icon
  • Display 'Name', 'Chr', 'Position', and all sample columns, and 'GType', 'X', 'Y' subcolumns
    • Click OK and click 'Export displayed data to file' icon.
      • Make sure not to include individuals who were outliers on the Call Rate vs. p10 GC plot.

For the second file:

  • Clear all filters
  • Click 'Full Data Table' tab (to the left of the 'SNP Table' tab)
  • Click 'Column Chooser' icon
    • Display 'Name', 'Chr', 'Position', and all sample columns, and 'GType' subcolumn
  • Click OK and click 'Export displayed data to file' icon. - Make sure not to include individuals who were outliers on the Call Rate vs. p10 GC plot.

1.8 Save project and exit

Inputs to snakefile pipeline from zCall (must be named with the following syntax) Please name these two files according to the following syntax:

  • {dataset}.txt (file without xy)
  • {dataset}.xy.txt (file containing xy)
  • {dataset}.rarevariants
  • {dataset}.commonvar.ped, {dataset}

2. Set up snakemake pipeline

After Genome Studio is finished, the zCall and other steps are run through the automated snakemake portion of the pipeline. To set up the snakemake, follow the following steps:

2.1 Activate the conda environment

The conda environment must contain

  • plink
  • python 2.7
  • pandas
source /share/hennlab/progs/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate SNP-QC

2.2 Set up working directory

Please create a working directory for the snakefile to run in. The folder structure should be as follows:

|__ Snakefile
|__ config.yaml
|__ GenomeStudio
    |__ {dataset}.txt
    |__ {dataset}.xy.txt
    |__ {dataset}.rarevariants
    |__ {dataset}.commonvar.ped
    |__ {dataset}
|__ scripts

The last 6 scripts are from the zcall program. They can be symbolically linked from this location on augrabies /share/hennlab/progs/ZCall/GenomeStudio into your scripts folder, or downloaded from the zCall github page

All other scripts can be found in this github.

The config file requires three arguments:

  • dataset: the name of the dataset, must match the input genome studio scripts {dataset}.txt, {dataset}.xy.txt, {dataset}.rarevariants
  • dbsnp: path to the dbsnp file
  • legend: path to the illumina strand legend file

Below is an example format for the config file:

dataset: cdb_80

dbsnp: /share/hennlab/reference/dbSNP/snp144_snpOnly_noContig.bed

legend: /share/hennlab/reference/1000g_legend_forQC/combined_autosome_X_XY_1000GP_Phase3_GRCh37_SNPonly.legend

strand: /share/hennlab/data/snp-array/SAfrica_IlluminaArrays/CDB_NCTB_H3Africa/StrandReport/H3Africa_2017_20021485_A3_StrandReport_F.txt

3. Running the pipeline

/share/hennlab/progs/miniconda3/bin/snakemake --configfile config.yaml -p -j 10

3.1 Detailed description of each step in the snakefile portion of the pipeline

  • rule convert_tped: convert genome studio output (without xy) to tped/tfam format

  • rule remove_het: identify heterozygous samples with plink. plink needs the genome studio format without the xy columns

  • rule dropSamples: identify samples with excess heterozygosity and remove them from the report. The script needs the genome studio report format with the xy columns

  • rule findMeanSD: Calculate means of homozygote clusters

  • rule findBetas: Calculate beta and p-values from the mean and SD using weighted linear regression. If this doesn't work, make sure you have removed individuals with excessive No Calls. Use the '' script to remove them, then try again

  • rule findThresholds: Find the thresholds t_x and t_y for each SNP using, running multiple times with different values of z (3-10)

  • rule calibrateZ: Run the calibration script to calculate threshold stats

  • rule global_concordance: Recall SNPs using the best threshold - pick the one with highest global concordance

  • rule extract_rare: Extract the rare variants from the zCalled plink files - Extract rare SNPs from .tped file and apply the genotype filter

  • rule more_QC: Apply additional QC filters: Remove SNPs that have suspiciously high heterozygosity, poor cluster separation, or excessive replicate errors, append the output to the list of SNPs with poor cluster separation or too many replicate errors, delete the top line, and remove these from the plink file,

  • rule AB_convert_rare: Convert Illumina A and B allele to Illumina Forward allele.

    • Note: There are still some loci assigned “NA” as allele code, because their SNP names are not found in the strand files. It’s technically possible to research them again using the original chr and pos, yet probably not worth it as :1) they could be indels at the same locus with a SNP, updating alleles according to chr:pos is not guaranteed to retrieve the right genotypes; 2) they could simply be duplicated loci assigned with a different SNP name. I suggest removing them.
      • Note: The current version of this script assumes Illumina ForwardAllele strand reports and not TopBottom strand reports.
  • rule make_commonvar: convert common variant file from ped/map to bed/bim/fam.

  • rule remove_dups: Using plink remove duplicates from common variants file and rare variants file

  • rule merge_variants: Merge common and filtered rare variant files

  • rule update_snp_ids: Update SNP names to dbsnp - Note: Often a chr:position will have more than one rsid. We allow the code to remove these duplicates randomly, so there is no guarantee that a particular rsid for any chr/pos will be included. If you want specific rsids to be included you will need to modify this behavior.

  • rule find_dups_bim: Some loci have the same SNP names and are duplicated, this step removes them

    • Note: Some duplicates removed in this step will be different versions of the same variant (eg. alleles are AT and CG or 0A and TA in the duplicates). This program removes duplicates without regard to what allele they are. , which could result in missing data for some individuals at the affected snps. This could be an issue in smaller datasets or when you are interested in one of the affected snps.
  • rule align_strand: Align strand to 1000 genome reference. T

    • The script has three outputs:
      1. Indel_[outfile].txt: a bim file of indels
      2. NonMatching_[outfile].txt: a bim file containing loci not found among 1000 genome (phase 3) variants (matched by positions), or those with different coding alleles than 1000 genome (tri-allelic, for example). To merge smoothly with other platforms, these loci are to be removed.
      3. FlipStrand_[outfile].txt: a bim file containing loci to flip. .bim format is directly recognizable as to follow --exclude or --keep in plink. No need to cut the second column out.
  • rule flip: Flip strands

  • rule remove_non_matching: remove non-matching loci

  • rule remove_cg_at: Remove A/T, G/C loci using plink

4. Manual steps still required after running snakefile

  • Update individuals' IDs from Illumina plate # to IDs in ethnographic data Also check duplicated IDs.

  • Gender check based on X heterozygosity; heterozygosity check for contamination plink Remove individuals you think that are contaminated, swapped etc.

  • Geno (and MAF filter) Note: sometimes fam file might have NAs in the parent column. This will set the corresponding individual to a non-founder, and the individuals be ignored automatically by plink in --freq or --maf commands. Either manually correct them, or add --nonfounders when running plink.


Henn Lab SNP Array QC pipeline from GenomeStudio Output






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