Our web application is deployed at -> https://steam-track.herokuapp.com/.
(Feel free to check it out and make an account!)
Further instructions can be found below.
- Overview of routes
- Launching the website
- App Walkthrough
- Logging in
- Finding your Steam ID
- Viewing the Dashboard
- Viewing the Review Forum
- Game Achievements
- Game Analytics
- Account Settings
- Administrator page
- chat
GET: {host}/api/chat/:userName/:friendName
, where the userName is the current login user and the friendName is the selected friend name that the user want to chat with. The method willl return a list of messages that the user and the friend has previously chat on.- For Posting messages we use socket.io, so the message will emit to backend and directly interact with mongo at the backend. No route needed.
- friend
GET: {host}/api/friends/:userName
, where the userName is the current login user. The method will return an object contain the user's friend list and pending friend list. Friend list is the accepted friends that the user has. Pending friend list is the friend that still yet to be accept or reject by the user.POST: {host}/api/friends/:userName
, where the userName is the current login user. The method takes in one body argument, which is friendName, the friend's name that the user want to add friend with. The method will push user into friend's pedning friend list await for the friend to either accept or reject. The method will return friend's updated data.DELETE: {host}/api/friends/delete
. The method takes in two body argument, which consists of the userName, the current login user, and friendName, the friend's name that the user want to delete. This method will both delete each other from their own friend list. This method will also delete all the chat history that the user and friend has. This method will return the updated user, updated friend, updated chat.PATCH: {host}/api/friends/accept
. The method will take in two argument, which consists of userName, the currecnt login user's username, and friendName, the friend' name that user want to accept as a friend. This method will remove friend from user's pending friend list and add to friend list, and also will add user into friend's friend list. This method will also create a new chat room for them with empty messages. This method will return nothing with status 200.PATCH: {host}/api/friends/decline
. The method takes in two body argument, which consists of the userName, the current login user, and friendName, the friend's name that the user decline as a friend. This method will remove friend from the user's pending friend list. Ths method will return nothing with status 200.
- login
POST {host}/users
Expects: body: { username: string of new user password: password of new user at least 4 characters long steamName: the steam ID of this new user } Does: Creates a new user (saves to database) and returns the created user in the response.
POST {host}/users/changepassword
Expects: Body: {newPassword: string of at least 4 characters} cookie: cookie of current logged on user Does: Changes the password of the current user to the new password
GET {host}/users/joindate/:username
Expects: nothing Does: returns the users join date if the user exists, 404 otherwise
GET {host}/usernames/:username
Expects: nothing Does: returns 200 if the user exists, 404 otherwise
POST {host}/users/login
Expects: body: {username: string, password: string} Does: sets the session parameters and logs you in if the username and password are correct
GET {host}/users/current
Expects: a logged in user Does: returns the current users ID and username
GET {host}/users/logout
Expects: nothing Does: destroys the session and logs you out
- profilePic
GET {host}/api/image/:userName
, where the userName is the current login user. This method will retreive the binary image string from user model and return an object of {image: data}.PATCH {host}/api/uploadImage/:userName
, where the userName is the current login user. This method also takes in one body argument, image, which is a binary base64 string converted from an image. This method will update the profilePic from user model. This method will return the updated user object.
- reputation
GET {host}/api/user/reputation/:userName
, where the userName is the current login user. The method will retreive the reputation from user model that store on the database and return an object of {reputation: data}.PATCH {host}/api/user/updatereputation/:username
, where the userName is the current login user. This method takes in two body argument, which are userName, same as the :userName, and reputation, a Number represent the updated reputation score. The method will update the user on the database and return nothing with a status 200.
- review
is used for adding a new review document into the database. It will get all the needed information to create a new review object and return it.get('/api/reviews')
is used for getting all the reviews in the database. No params will be passed in and it is expected to return a list of review object.patch('/api/reviews/:id')
is used for modifying the upvotes, the downvotes, and reported attribute of a specific review in the database. It will get a review json and will return the modified review.patch('/api/reviews/:author/:reputation')
is used for modifying the username and the reputation on a specific review in the database. It will get author name and reputation from params and an attribute 'deleted' from req.body, and will return the modified review.delete('/api/reviews/:id')
is used for deleting a review by its id. It will get a review id from params and return the review object.
- steam
GET {host}/steamapi/userinfo
Expects: query components: {key: a valid steam API key, steamids: a valid steam user ID} Does: returns a users user account info
GET {host}/steamapi/usergames
Expects: a logged in user query components: {key: a valid steam API key} Does: returns a users games info
GET {host}/steamapi/games
Expects: a logged in user query components: {key: a valid steam API key, appid: a valid app ID for a game on steam} Does: returns the users stats for that particular game
GET {host}/steamapi/game
Expects: query components: {key: a valid steam API key, appid: a valid app ID for a game on steam} Does: returns neutral game information about achievements for a specific game
- user
is used for getting all the users in the database. No params or json will be passed in and it is expected to return a list of user object.delete('/api/users/:username', ...)
is used for deleting the user with the username. It will get a username from params and return the user.
- voteRecord
is used for adding a new vote record for a user on a specific review. It will get a voteRecord json and send the voteRecord document to the database.get('/api/voteRecords')
is used for getting all the vote records in the database. No params or json will be passed in and it will return a json of all the vote records.patch('/api/voteRecords/:username/:reviewId')
is used for updating the vote of a user on a specific review. It will get a username and a reviewId from params and return the new vote record.delete('/api/voteRecords/:username')
is used for deleting all the vote records of a specific user. It will get the username from params and return the vote record.delete('/api/voteRecords/:username/:reviewId')
is used for deleting all the vote records of a specific review. It will get the reviewId from params and return the vote record.
Clone the app:
git clone [email protected]:csc309-winter-2021/team29.git
git clone https://github.com/csc309-winter-2021/team29.git
From the root directory(
), simply runbash start.sh
. This will cd into the directory and runnpm install
andnpm start
. -
You should be able to open the webpage in a browser window by entering
in the URL bar. We have tested the webpage on a fully-maximized browser window in Google Chrome.
When the app opens at
or at the deployed Heroku link above, you should see this welcome screen:
From here, you can click on either Forum to view the Review Forum as a guest (you won't be able to publish new reviews or vote on existing reviews), or proceed to the Login or Sign Up screens.
Here, you can log in as either an
(or view limited parts of the website such as the Review Forum as a guest, without logging in). We also have a captcha feature to prevent too many requests to the server. The login button will be enabled once the captcha has been solved. -
For testing purposes, you can use the following 4 user accounts (note that they all use the same Steam ID, but you are welcome to create some new accounts with the sample Steam IDs provided below in Step 6) and 1 admin account to try out the functionality on our web app:
User Accounts - more can be created through our web sign up interface
Username: user
Password: user
Username: user1
Password: user1
Username: user2
Password: user2
Username: user3
Password: user3
Admin Account - this is the only account available, but you can create more admins using the API route. An admin in our system is any user with a username starting with the characters admin
Username: admin
Password: admin
If you don't already have an account, or would like to make a new one, you can also access the sign up page from here, by clicking on the
Sign Up
button. It should look like this:
We have implemented checks to make sure each field is filled in properly and that the passwords match. Usernames and passwords must be at least 4 characters long, and you must enter a valid Steam ID to proceed (we have preliminary checks to verify the validity of the Steam ID too). Once those conditions are fulfilled, clicking the
Sign Up
button will display an alert indicating that sign up was successful, and you will be directed to theLogin
page to proceed with your new account. -
If you don't know how to find your Steam ID, you can click the help icon which will take you to the Steam Info page. Follow the instructions here to find your profile's unique Steam ID, or you can use one of ours for testing purposes :)
Here are some sample Steam IDs for you to try out if you want: 76561198072072686
; 76561198882892406
; 76561198059305613
; 76561198158301094
This is an instructional guide meant to assist you in setting up your Steam profile and gathering relevant information (most notably your unique Steam ID), so that you can seamlessly complete the Signup and Login processes for our website, and we can provide you with a populated profile with the relevant data visualizations.
Please follow all the instructions on this page if you are not sure how to find the unique Steam ID of your profile, and/or have signed up for an account but see an empty/unpopulated profile.
Here, you have your user profile on the left-side panel with links to various apps that gamers might use. In the middle panel of the page, you have a list of all games on your Steam account, with a progress bar for each game on your profile that supports achievements. Please note that depending on how many games you own, it may take a few minutes to pull all the relevant game data, indicated by the presence of the white loading icon at the bottom of the page. You may also observe some games being deleted from the games list; don't be alarmed, this just means the removed games likely don't support Steam achievements.
You can also use the game search bar to search for a specific game instead of scrolling through. Note that the search results are updated automatically once you insert any text.
After your games list has loaded, you can click on each game in the list and go to its corresponding Game Achievements page to look at an overview of all achievements in the game.
On the right-side panel, you have your friends list. This is where you can see all incoming friend requests (that you can choose to accept or decline), as well as your current friends list. You may send a friend request to a user if you know their username using the 'Enter Friend Name' input field and 'Add' button. You may remove a friend by clicking on the delete icon next to their name, and you can also click on a friend to start a chat with them. The timestamps for messages are accurate, chat history will persist across different sessions and is unique to each pair of users.
Clicking the Settings button on the top right hand corner will bring you to the Account Settings page.
You may also click on the Analytics button to view the overall game analytics of your profile.
The game achievements page for a specific game will look something like this:
You will be presented with a list of all achievements the selected game currently supports. Coloured achievement bars correspond to achievements you have unlocked, and you will also see the date and time you unlocked said achievement on the bottom right of the bar, while greyed-out achievement bars correspond to achievements you have not unlocked yet.
You can also use the search bar to search for specific achievements that the game may have. Just like on the Dashboard, search results are updated automatically once you insert any text.
From here, you can view useful and interesting statistics about your gaming lifetime such as your overall reputation score, total achievements unlocked, completion percentage, and total playtime in the banner at the top of the page. You can also view a breakdown of your statistics by each individual game the Lifetime Statistics table at the bottom of the page. You can also sort the table in ascending or descending order by each column using the arrow buttons on each column's header. The example below is sorted in decreasing order of playtime for games:
Please note that just like on the Dashboard, it may take a few minutes to pull all the relevant game data depending on how many games you own, indicated by the presence of the white loading icon at the bottom of the page. Similar to the game list on the Dashboard, you may observe some games being deleted from the Lifetime Stats table; don't be alarmed, this just means the removed games likely don't support Steam achievements.
After your Lifetime Stats table has been fully populated, your Reputation score will be updated again, as it is a function of your completion statistics and total review score. If it changes, it will persist across all pages (such as the Dashboard and Review Forum).
From here, you can edit the specifics of your profile, like uploading a new profile picture or updating your password, using the relevant edit buttons.
The review forum is a place where you can leave reviews for games; it starts with the most recent reviews posted on the site:
Here you can add a review if you are logged in, and upvote or downvote a review. You will also see some of the review author's details, such as their name and reputation, and you may report an inappropriate review as well.
More published reviews (if there exist any) can be viewed by clicking on the
button to see the next page. You may also use thefirst
buttons to skip to the relevant pages of reviews. -
You may also notice some reviews have a 'Show Content' button in place of the review content. This is an automatic check we do upon rendering the page to avoid long reviews taking up too much space on the page. You can choose to expand such reviews if you wish to read their content.
From this page, you can do things like delete or edit reviews, and also delete or ban users. You also must be logged in as an admin to access this page.
Also note that we have separated admins from regular users, which means this page's functionality is mutually exclusive to regular user functionality. Admins cannot access regular user functionality like custom profiles, game achievement analytics, or reviews, and vice versa.