Natural language should always be accompanied with a context, and language grounding aims at learning the correspondences between world and texts. In this work, the world is represented as structured tables, whose schema is given and fixed. We extract a set of semantic tags, which could be executed on the tables, and tries to align these tags to the text spans.
We adopt hidden semi-Markov models to learn the correspondences, the details of which could be found in our paper (see the section: Paper). Since gold annotations might be very expensive to obtain, we use forward-backward algorithm to estimate parameters.
This project provides a toolkit for hidden semi-Markov models training and inference, as well as an example which works on dataset RotoWire, which is used in our paper.
- Operating System: Linux
- Interpreter: Python 3.6
- Python packages: Numpy, pandas, SciPy, tqdm, nltk, colorama
Hidden Semi-Markov Model (Semi-HMMs)
Inside the folder "HMMs" are the components of Semi-HMMs: HMMs itself, posterior regularization constraints and forward-backward algorithm.
We tried to make Semi-HMMs as flexible as possible. As you initialize an HMM, you need to specify:
- n_state: The size of state set. Note: the NULL is not included here.
- null_mode: How do you treat the NULL tag? If you set it as "without", NULL tag will not be used. If you choose "with", NULL tag will be used, and regarded as an ordinary tag. If you choose "skip", NULL tag will be used, but will be skipped when calculating the transition probabilities.
- semi: The maximum length of word span. Note: This option will largely affect the speed of training and inference.
- pr: What kind of constraints do you want to add? You could pass your own constraints as a list into HMMs.
- use_pr_in_decode: If false, pr will be only used during training.
For more details of posterior regularization, please refer to the comments of To get an example of the usage of Semi-HMMs, please refer to the experiment part of our project.
Besides Semi-HMMs, the main part of our project is devoted to grounding natural language to structured data. The dataset we use here is RotoWire. It could be divided into four parts: Data processing, tag induction, parameter estimation and inference.
Relevant folders: Preprocessing, framework
RotoWire is very noisy, so preprocessing work is inevitable. We did the following things:
- Detect all the proper nouns (First letter capitalized) and numbers.
- Filter out the very short sentences, most of which are meaningless.
- Align each sentence to its relevant records (sentence level) with heuristic methods.
Relevant folders: Framework, logic
The second step is to automatically generate the tag set. Note that we don't need to form the tag set manually. The tag set is generated based on the table schema, which is specified in the "MetaTable" class.
You could set the "z" option in as "train" to start training. There are also some other options corresponding to Semi-HMMs, you could refer to the Semi-HMMs section for explanation.
The main project will initialize a "trainer" object, which is used to estimate the parameters of Semi-HMMs.
The E step of expectation maximization will loop over the whole dataset to obtain soft counts of alignments, thus this could be done in parallel. Since there is no true multi-thread in Python, we use multi-processing instead. You could specify the number of jobs in
You could specify the "z" option in as "test" to start inference.
Learning Latent Semantic Annotations for Grounding Natural Language to Structured Data
author = "Qin, G. and Yao, J. and Wang, X. and Wang, J. and Lin, C.",
title = "Learning Latent Semantic Annotations for Grounding Natural Language to Structured Data",
booktitle = "Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)",
year = "2018",
You can also find our paper in this repo.