- What does it do?
- Dependencies
- User Manual
- Installation
- How to Use
- Supported Languages
- Known Problems
- Todo
This extension offers an simple way for showing an address block with or without a Google Maps and the address location on it. The address will rendered in vCard format and the whole template is full responsive because it based on Twitter Bootstrap.
- TYPO3 6.2.0-7.3.99
- Extbase 6.2.0-7.3.99
- Fluid 6.2.0-7.3.99
- Constants: Enter your GoogleMaps API-Key
- PlugIn Address:
- Tab Address:
- enter your address data and info text
- Tab Google Maps:
- switch off/on GoogleMaps
- enter custom lat, lng (If empty, the plugin will generate the coordinates.)
- enter default zoom
- enter maximum zoom
- Tab Address:
- The layout based on Twitter Bootstrap and is full responsive.
- Install the extension from the TER with the extension manager.
- Go to Google Developer Console and create a "Google Maps API-Key"
- Go to your template and add the TypoScript config "Simple-Address"
- Go to "Constant Edotir", choose "PLUGIN.TX_SIMPLEADDRESS" and add your custom Google Maps API-Key ()
- Clear the TYPO3 configuration cache
- Now you can insert the plugin "Address" where ever you want
You can simply insert the plugin "Address" on every page
- English
- Deutsch
- Español
Feel free and add a issue, pull request or ask for a missing feature.