This is the template of TypeScript project. "" is a shell script that monitors the update of the file. The "makefile" there is a build, test, description for the coverage. Simple sample code are included.
- NodeJS
- GNU Make
This project will use only the Node Module, which was installed on the local.
$ git clone
$ cd typescript-template && npm install
$ cd ts
$ make init
The make init execute typings install.
$ make
Build the ts file. Run the browserify, and outputs the JavaScript code that can be executed in the browser to the following public/javascripts.
$ make test
Build the test file, and run the test with mocha.
$ make coverage
To measure the coverage with istanbul and remap-istanbul.
$ make clean
Delete build files. [target directory or file] [execute command] [interval seconds]
example) $ ./ './src/*.ts' 'make' 1