This little project is a prototype for sending and receiving messages which are protected by an asymetrical encryption.
The sender using the public key of the recipient to encrypt the message and sends it to intermediary system. This system could be anything, here is a very simple RESTful API which is acting as storage location from the messages.
E.g., Home Assistant which is the consumer of the messages is pulling the messages from the intermediary system, decrypting it, and exposing the data as sensor values.
The purpose is to be able to collect messages from remote locations in a secure way when there is no other option available beside GET and POST.
Don't use this in production !! Especially not with the Home Assistant Operating system !!
The following Python modules are needed to run this code:
- aiohttp
- click
- cryptography
- requests
You need to create the keys manually as key distribution is not available:
Private key:
$ openssl genrsa -out key-private.pem 4096
Public key:
$ openssl rsa -in key-private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out key-public.pem
Keep in mind that you need key for every party which is participating in the communication.
Start the server part:
$ python3
Use the command-line client to send and receive messages:
$ python3
--debug / --no-debug
--help Show this message and exit.
get Receive messages.
send Send messages.
Visit to see the available messages.
This project is licensed under ASL 2.0, for more details check LICENSE.