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Subgraph Entities




Description: Event when a bonder is whitelisted

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
newBonder String! New bonder address
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when a bonder is removed from whitelist

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
previousBonder String! Removed bonder address
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when a challenge is resolved

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
transferRootId Bytes! Transfer root ID
rootHash Bytes! Transfer root hash
originalAmount BigInt! Transfer root original amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when multiple bonded withdrawals are settled

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
bonder String! Bonder address
rootHash Bytes! Transfer root hash
totalBondsSettled BigInt! Total bonds settled amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when bonder stakes on bridge

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
account String! Bonder account address
amount BigInt! Staked amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when bonded transfer root is challenged

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
transferRootId Bytes! Transfer root ID
rootHash Bytes! Transfer root hash
originalAmount BigInt! Transfer root original amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: event when transfer root is bonded

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
root Bytes! Transfer root hash
amount BigInt! Transfer root amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: event when transfer root is confirmed on L1

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
originChainId BigInt! Origin chain ID
destinationChainId BigInt! Destination chain ID
rootHash Bytes! Transfer root hash
totalAmount BigInt! Transfer root total amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when transfer root is set at the destination chain

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
rootHash Bytes! Transfer root hash
totalAmount BigInt! Transfer root total amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when transfer is sent L1->L2

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
destinationChainId BigInt! Destination chain ID
recipient String! Recipient address
amount BigInt! Amount
amountOutMin BigInt! Minimum amount out
deadline BigInt! Deadline timestamp
relayer String! Relayer address
relayerFee BigInt! Relayer fee amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
logIndex BigInt! Transaction log index
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when bonder unstakes on bridge

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
account String! Bonder account address
amount BigInt! Unstaked amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when single bonded withdrawal is settled

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
bonder String! Bonder address
transferId Bytes! Transfer ID
rootHash Bytes! Transfer root hash
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when transfer is bonded at the destination

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
transferId Bytes! Transfer ID
amount BigInt! Amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when transfer is withdrawn at the destination

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
transferId Bytes! Transfer ID
recipient String! Recipient address
amount BigInt! Amount
transferNonce Bytes! Transfer nonce
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
from String! From address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Event when transfer is sent L2->L1 or L2->L2

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
from String! From address
to String! To address
value BigInt! Transfer amount
block Block! Block entity
transaction Transaction! Transaction entity
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
transactionHash String! Transaction hash
transactionIndex BigInt! Transaction index
timestamp BigInt! Transaction timestamp
blockNumber BigInt! Transaction block number
contractAddress String! Contract address
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Total value locked

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
amount BigInt! TVL total amount
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Cumulative volume

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
amount BigInt! Cumulative volume total amount
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Daily volume

Field Type Description
id ID! Entity ID
amount BigInt! Daily volume amount
date Int! Date unix timestamp
tokenEntity Token! Bridge token asset entity
token String! Bridge token asset symbol


Description: Block entity

Field Type Description
id ID! Block hash
author Bytes! Block author
difficulty BigInt! Block difficulty
gasLimit BigInt! Block gas limit
gasUsed BigInt! Block gas used
hash Bytes! Block hash
number BigInt! Block number
parentHash Bytes! Block parent hash
receiptsRoot Bytes! Block receipts root
size BigInt Block size
stateRoot Bytes! Block state root
timestamp BigInt! Block timestamp
totalDifficulty BigInt! Block total difficulty
transactionsRoot Bytes! Block transactions root
unclesHash Bytes! Block uncles hash


Description: Transaction entity

Field Type Description
id ID! Transaction hash
from Bytes! Transaction from address
gasLimit BigInt! Transaction gas limit
gasPrice BigInt! Transaction gas price
hash Bytes! Transaction hash
index BigInt! Transaction index
input Bytes! Transaction input
to Bytes Transaction to address
value BigInt! Transaction value


Description: Token entity

Field Type Description
id ID! Token address
address Bytes! Token address
decimals Int! Token decimals
name String! Token name
symbol String! Token symbol