# init
git clone
# install
cd Vuepress-theme-howe
npm i
# run
npm run dev
# build
npm run build
# deploy Need to configure gitee and github ssh
npm run deploy
title: 标题
isHide: false # 不渲染 true, 默认为false
tags: # 标签
- html
- js
- css
category: 前端 # 分类
date: 2019-01-22 # 创建时间
update_date: 2019-09-02 # 修改时间, 上传到git后会默认渲染当前文件的git上的更新时间
title: 标题
bookmark: false # 不渲染 false, 要渲染则必填为true
level: 1 # 排序, 数字越大排的越后
books # 导航的数组分类
- title # 标题
- link # 外链URL
- desc # 描述
# .vuepress => config => themeConfig
userInfo: {
nickname: '稻香',
job: '前端',
address: '厦门',
links: [
{ name: 'Github', url: '' },
{ name: '掘金', url: '' }
# .vuepress => config => themeConfig
valine: {
appId: '',
appKey: '',
notify: false,
verify: false,
avatar: 'howe',
placeholder: '欢迎留言...'
目录新建 styles/variable.scss 文件(可调整变量)