A writer for XLSX files.
- (Unicode-)strings, Numbers, Dates
- Font formatting (size, bold, italic, underline, strike)
- Multiple (named) sheets with custom column widths.
This library is currently more in a proof-of-concept state; it is also my first Elixir project, feedback is very welcome.
Via hex, in mix.exs:
defp deps do
[{:elixlsx, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Via github:
defp deps do
[{:elixlsx, git: "https://github.com/xou/elixlsx.git"}]
1-Line tutorial:
(alias Elixlsx.Workbook, alias Elixlsx.Sheet)
iex(1)> Workbook.append_sheet(%Workbook{}, Sheet.with_name("Sheet 1") |> Sheet.set_cell("A1", "Hello", bold: true)) |> Elixlsx.write_to("hello.xlsx")
See example.exs for a more complete example.
A quick introduction how number formattings look like can be found here