Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice
Rhino is Picovoice's Speech-to-Intent engine. It directly infers intent from spoken commands within a given context of interest, in real-time. For example, given a spoken command "Can I have a small double-shot espresso with a lot of sugar and some milk", Rhino infers that the user wants to order a drink with these specifications:
"type": "espresso",
"size": "small",
"numberOfShots": "2",
"sugar": "a lot",
"milk": "some"
Rhino is:
- using deep neural networks trained in real-world environments.
- compact and computationally-efficient, making it perfect for IoT.
- cross-platform. It is implemented in fixed-point ANSI C. Raspberry Pi (all variants), Beagle Bone, Android, iOS, Linux (x86_64), Mac (x86_64), Windows (x86_64), and web browsers are supported. Furthermore, Support for various ARM Cortex-A microprocessors and ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers is available for enterprise customers.
- self-service. Developers and UX designers can train custom models using Picovoice Console.
- License
- Use Cases
- Try It Out
- Performance
- Model Variants
- Terminology
- Picovoice Console
- Structure of Repository
- Running Demo Applications
- Integration
- Releases
This repository is licensed under Apache 2.0 which allows running the engine on all supported platforms (except microcontrollers) using a set of freely-available models. You may create custom models using Picovoice Console for non-commercial and personal use free of charge. The free-tier only allows model training for x86_64 (Linux, Mac, and Windows).
Custom models for other platforms are only provided with the purchase of the Picovoice enterprise license. To enquire about the Picovoice development and commercial license terms and fees, contact Picovoice.
Rhino should be used when the domain of voice interactions is specific (limited). Smart appliances, hearables, infotainment systems, and automotive are a few examples.
- If open-domain transcription is required (i.e. the user can say anything), check out Leopard
- If open-domain transcription with real-time feedback (incremental transcription results) is needed, check out Cheetah.
- If you need to recognize a few simple voice commands or activate a device using voice you should check out Porcupine.
Rhino and Porcupine on an ARM Cortex-M4
A comparison between the accuracy of Rhino and Google's Dialogflow is provided here. Across different noisy environments Rhino is 96% accurate while Dialogflow reaches 75% accuracy. Additionally, Rhino runs fully on-device on a Raspberry Pi 3 with 7% CPU usage while Dialogflow needs a cloud connection.
The library in this repository is the standard trim of the engine. The standard trim is suitable for applications running on microprocessors (e.g. Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone) and mobile devices (Android and iOS). Picovoice has developed several trims of the engine targeted at a wide range of applications. These are only available to enterprise customers.
Rhino infers the user's intent from spoken commands within a domain of interest. We refer to such a specialized domain as a context. A context can be thought of a set of voice commands each mapped to an intent:
- Turn off the lights in the office
- Turn off all lights
- Set the kitchen lights to blue
- Dim the lights
- Make the lights darker
In examples above, each voice command is called an expression. Expressions are what we expect the user to utter to interact with our voice application.
Consider the expression "Turn off the lights in the office". What we require from Rhino is:
- To infer the intent ("turnOff")
- Record the specific details from the utterance, in this case the location ("office")
We can capture these details using slots by updating the expression:
- Turn off the lights in the $location:lightLocation.
means that we expect a variable of type location
to occur and we want to capture its value
in a variable named lightLocation
. We call such variable a slot. Slots give us the ability to capture details of the
spoken commands. Each slot type is be defined as a set of phrases. For example:
- "attic"
- "balcony"
- "basement"
- "bathroom"
- "bedroom"
- "entrance"
- "kitchen"
- "living room"
- ...
You can create custom contexts using the Picovoice Console.
To learn the complete expression syntax of Rhino, see the Speech-to-Intent Syntax Cheat Sheet.
The Picovoice Console enables creating Speech-to-Intent contexts. The Console is a web-based platform for building voice applications and training models.
If using SSH, clone the repository with:
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:Picovoice/rhino.git
If using HTTPS, then type:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Rhino is shipped as an ANSI C shared library. The binary files for supported platforms are located under lib and header files are at include. Bindings are available at binding to facilitate usage from higher-level languages. Demo applications are at demo. Finally, resources is a placeholder for data used by various applications within the repository.
This demo application allows testing Rhino using your computer's microphone. It opens an input audio stream, monitors it using our Porcupine wake word detection engine, and when the wake phrase is detected it will extract the intent within the follow-up spoken command using Rhino.
The following command runs the demo application on your machine to infer intent from spoken commands in the context of a smart lighting system. It also initializes the Porcupine engine to detect the wake phrase "Picovoice". When running you can issue commands such as "Picovoice, turn on the lights".
python3 demo/python/ \
--rhino_context_file_path ./resources/contexts/${SYSTEM}/smart_lighting_${SYSTEM}.rhn
In the above command replace ${SYSTEM}
with your platform name (e.g. linux, mac, raspberry-pi).
The Rhino dotnet demo is a command line application that lets you choose between running Rhino on a audio file or on real-time microphone input.
The following command runs the demo application on your machine to infer intent from spoken commands in the context of a smart lighting system:
dotnet run -c MicDemo.Release -- --context_path ./resources/contexts/${SYSTEM}/smart_lighting_${SYSTEM}.rhn
The Rhino Java demo is a command-line application that lets you choose between running Rhino on a audio file or on real-time microphone input.
The following command uses the Java demo to run inference on an audio file in context of a smart coffee maker:
java -jar rhino-file-demo.jar -i ${AUDIO_PATH} -c ./resources/contexts/${SYSTEM}/coffee_maker_${SYSTEM}.rhn
Using Android Studio, open demo/android/Activity as an Android project and then run the application. Note that you will need an Android phone (with developer options enabled) connected to your machine. After pressing the start button you can issue commands such as "turn off the lights" or "set the lights in the living room to purple".
Using Xcode, open demo/ios/RhinoDemo/RhinoDemo.xcodeproj and run the application. You will need an iOS device connected to your machine and a valid Apple developer account. After pressing the start button you can issue commands such as "turn off the lights".
You need yarn
or npm
. Install the demo dependencies by executing either of the following sets of yarn
or npm
commands from
yarn start
npm install
npm install -g copy-files-from-to
npx serve
The last command will launch a local server running the demo. Open http://localhost:5000 in your web browser and follow the instructions on the page.
This demo runs on Linux-based systems (e.g. Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone). You need
and ALSA
installed to compile it. Compile the demo using
gcc -O3 -o demo/c/rhino_demo_mic -I include -I resources/porcupine/include/ demo/c/rhino_demo_mic.c \
-ldl -lasound -std=c99
Find the name of audio input device (microphone) on your computer using arecord -L
. Finally execute the following
demo/c/rhino_demo_mic \
lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
resources/contexts/${SYSTEM}/smart_lighting_${SYSTEM}.rhn \
resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/${SYSTEM}/picovoice_${SYSTEM}.ppn \
with path to appropriate library available under lib, ${SYSTEM}
with the
name of the operating system on your machine (e.g. linux or raspberry-pi), ${PORCUPINE_LIBRARY_PATH}
with path to appropriate
Porcupine library available under resources/porcupine/lib and ${INPUT_AUDIO_DEVICE}
the name of your microphone device. The demo opens an audio stream and detects utterances of keyword "Picovoice"
followed by spoken commands for a smart lighting system. For example you can say "Picovoice, turn on the lights".
Below are code snippets showcasing how Rhino can be integrated into different applications. provides a Python binding for Rhino library. Below is a quick demonstration of how to initialize an instance:
library_path = ... # absolute path to Rhino's dynamic library
model_file_path = ... # available at lib/common/rhino_params.pv
context_file_path = ... # absolute path to context file for the domain of interest
rhino = Rhino(
When initialized, valid sample rate can be obtained using rhino.sample_rate
. Expected frame length
(number of audio samples in an input array) is rhino.frame_length
. The object can be used to infer intent from spoken
commands as below:
def get_next_audio_frame():
while True:
is_finalized = rhino.process(get_next_audio_frame())
if is_finalized:
if rhino.is_understood():
intent, slot_values = rhino.get_intent()
# add code to take action based on inferred intent and slot values
# add code to handle unsupported commands
Finally, when done, be sure to explicitly release the resources; the binding class does not rely on the garbage collector.
Install the .NET SDK using Nuget or the dotnet CLI
dotnet add package Rhino
The SDK exposes a factory method to create instances of the engine as below:
using Rhino
Rhino handle = Rhino.Create(contextPath:"/absolute/path/to/context");
When initialized, the valid sample rate is given by handle.SampleRate
. Expected frame length (number of audio samples
in an input array) is handle.FrameLength
. The engine accepts 16-bit linearly-encoded PCM and operates on
single-channel audio.
short[] GetNextAudioFrame()
// .. get audioFrame
return audioFrame;
bool isFinalized = handle.Process(GetNextAudioFrame());
Inference inference = handle.GetInference();
string intent = inference.Intent;
Dictionary<string, string> slots = inference.Slots;
// .. code to take action based on inferred intent and slot values
// .. code to handle unsupported commands
Rhino will have its resources freed by the garbage collector, but to have resources freed immediately after use, wrap it in a using statement:
using(Rhino handle = Rhino.Create(contextPath:"/absolute/path/to/context"))
// .. Rhino usage here
You can install the Rhino Java SDK by downloading and referencing the latest Rhino JAR file.
The SDK exposes a Builder that allows you to create an instance of the engine:
import ai.picovoice.rhino.*;
Rhino handle = new Rhino.Builder()
} catch (RhinoException e) { }
When initialized, the valid sample rate is given by handle.getSampleRate()
. Expected frame length (number of audio samples
in an input array) is handle.getFrameLength()
. The engine accepts 16-bit linearly-encoded PCM and operates on
single-channel audio.
short[] getNextAudioFrame(){
// .. get audioFrame
return audioFrame;
while(true) {
boolean isFinalized = handle.process(getNextAudioFrame());
RhinoInference inference = handle.getInference();
String intent = inference.getIntent();
Map<string, string> slots = inference.getSlots();
// .. code to take action based on inferred intent and slot values
} else {
// .. code to handle unsupported commands
Once you're done with Rhino, ensure you release its resources explicitly:
Rhino provides a binding for Android using JNI. It can be initialized using:
final String modelPath = ... // It is available at lib/common/rhino_params.pv
final String contextPath = ...
final float sensitivity = 0.5;
Rhino rhino = new Rhino(modelPath, contextPath, sensitivity);
Once initialized, rhino
can be used for intent inference:
private short[] getNextAudioFrame();
while (!rhino.process(getNextAudioFrame()));
final RhinoInference inference = rhino.getInference();
if (inference.getIsUnderstood()) {
// logic to perform an action given the intent object.
} else {
// logic for handling out of context or unrecognized command
Finally, prior to exiting the application be sure to release resources acquired via:
The RhinoManager class manages all activities related to creating an input audio stream feeding it into Rhino's library, and invoking a user-provided detection callback. The class can be initialized as below
let modelFilePath: String = ... // It is available at lib/common/rhino_params.pv
let contextFilePath: String = ...
let onInferenceCallback: ((InferenceInfo) -> Void) = {
// detection event callback
let manager = RhinoManager(modelFilePath: modelFilePath, contextFilePath: contextFilePath, onInferenceCallback: onInferenceCallback);
when initialized, input audio can be processed using manager.startListening()
Create a new instance of engine using
let context = new Uint8Array([...]);
let handle = Rhino.create(context)
is an array of 8-bit unsigned integers (i.e. UInt8Array
) representing the domain of interest. When
instantiated handle
can process audio via its .process
let getNextAudioFrame = function() {
let result = {};
do {
result = handle.process(getNextAudioFrame())
} while (Object.keys(result).length === 0);
if (result.isUnderstood) {
// callback to act upon inference result
} else {
// callback to handle failed inference
When done be sure to release resources acquired by WebAssembly using .release
Rhino is implemented in ANSI C and therefore can be directly linked to C applications. The pv_rhino.h header file contains relevant information. An instance of the Rhino object can be constructed as follows.
const char *model_file_path = ... // available at lib/common/rhino_params.pv
const char *context_file_path = ... // absolute path to context file for the domain of interest
pv_rhino_t *rhino;
const pv_status_t status = pv_rhino_init(model_file_path, context_file_path, &rhino);
if (status != PV_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// add error handling code
Now the handle rhino
can be used to infer intent from an incoming audio stream. Rhino accepts single channel, 16-bit PCM
audio. The sample rate can be retrieved using pv_sample_rate()
. Finally, Rhino accepts input audio in consecutive chunks
(frames); the length of each frame can be retrieved using pv_rhino_frame_length()
extern const int16_t *get_next_audio_frame(void);
while (true) {
const int16_t *pcm = get_next_audio_frame();
bool is_finalized;
pv_status_t status = pv_rhino_process(rhino, pcm, &is_finalized);
if (status != PV_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// add error handling code
if (is_finalized) {
bool is_understood;
status = pv_rhino_is_understood(rhino, &is_understood);
if (status != PV_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// add error handling code
if (is_understood) {
const char *intent;
int num_slots;
const char **slots;
const char **values;
status = pv_rhino_get_intent(rhino, &intent, &num_slots, &slots, &values);
if (status != PV_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// add error handling code
// add code to take action based on inferred intent and slot values
pv_rhino_free_slots_and_values(rhino, slots, values);
} else {
// add code to handle unsupported commands
When done, remember to release the resources acquired.
- Accuracy improvements.
- Accuracy improvements.
- Builtin slots
- Accuracy improvements.
- Runtime optimizations.
- Added support for Raspberry Pi 4
- Added support for JavaScript.
- Added support for iOS.
- Updated documentation.
- Accuracy improvements.
- Runtime optimizations.
- Accuracy improvements.
- Open-sourced Raspberry Pi build.
- Initial Release
[Q] Which speech product should I use?
[A] If you need to recognize a single phrase or a number of (tens or less) of predefined phrases, in an always-listening fashion, then you should use Porcupine (wake word engine). If you need to recognize complex voice commands within a confined and well-defined domain with limited number of vocabulary and variations of spoken forms (1000s or less), then you should use Rhino (speech-to-intent engine). If you need to transcribe free-form speech in an open-domain, then you should use Cheetah (speech-to-text engine).
[Q] What are the benefits of implementing voice interfaces on-device, instead of using cloud services?
[A] Privacy, minimal latency, improved reliability, runtime efficiency, and cost saving to name a few. More detail is available in this blog post.
[Q] Does Picovoice technology work in far-field applications?
[A] It depends on many factors including the distance, ambient noise level, reverberation (echo), quality of microphone, and audio frontend used (if any). It is recommended to try out our technology using the freely-available sample models in your environment. Additionally, we often publish open-source benchmarks of our technology in noisy environments 1 2 3. If the target environment is noisy and/or reverberant and user is few meters away from the microphone, a multi-microphone audio frontend can be beneficial.
[Q] Does Picovoice software work in my target environment and noise conditions?
[A] It depends on variety of factors. You should test it out yourself with the free samples made available on Picovoice GitHub pages. If it does not work, we can fine-tune it for enterprise customers.
[Q] Does Picovoice software work in presence of noise and reverberation?
[A] Picovoice software is designed to function robustly in presence of noise and reverberations. We have benchmarked and published the performance results under various noisy conditions 1 2 3. The end-to-end performance depends on the type and amount of noise and reverberation. We highly recommend testing out the software using freely-available models in your target environment and application.
[Q] Can I use Picovoice software for telephony applications?
[A] We expect audio with 16000 sampling rate. PSTN networks usually sample at 8000 rate. It is possible to upsample but then the frequency content above 4000 is gone and performance will be suboptimal. It is possible to train acoustic models for telephony applications if the commercial opportunity is justified.
[Q] My audio source is 48kHz/44.1KHz. Does Picovoice software support that?
[A] Picovoice software expects a 16000Hz sampling rate. You will need to downsample. Typically, operating systems or sound cards (Audio codecs) provide such functionality; otherwise, you will need to implement it.
[Q] Can Picovoice help with building my voice enabled product?
[A] Our core business is software licensing. That being said, we do have a wide variety of expertise internally in voice, software, and hardware. We consider such requests on a case-by-case basis and assist clients who can guarantee a certain minimum licensing volume.
[Q] If I am using GitHub to evaluate the software, do you provide technical support?
[A] Prior to commercial engagement, basic support solely pertaining to software issues or bugs is provided via GitHub issues. We do not offer any free support with integration or support with any platform (either operating system or hardware) that is not officially supported via GitHub.
[Q] Why does Picovoice have GitHub repositories?
[A] To facilitate performance evaluation, for commercial prospects, and also enable open source community to take advantage of the technology for personal and non-commercial applications.
[Q] What is the engagement process?
[A] You may use what is available on GitHub while respecting its governing license terms without engaging with us. This facilitates performance evaluation. Then you need to acquire a development license to get access to custom speech models or use the software for development and internal evaluation within a company. Development license is for building a PoC or prototype. When ready to commercialize you need to acquire a commercial license. The terms depend on your vertical.
[Q] Does Picovoice offer AEC, VAD, noise suppression, or microphone array beamforming?
[A] No. But we do have partners who provide such algorithms. Please add this to your inquiry when reaching out and we can connect you.
[Q] Can you build a voice-enabled app for me?
[A] We do not provide software development services, so most likely the answer is no. However, via a professional services agreement we can help with proofs-of-concept (these will typically be rudimentary apps focused on voice user interface or building the audio pipeline), evaluations on a specific domain/task, integration of SDK in your app, training of custom acoustic and language models, and porting to custom hardware platforms.
[Q] How many commands (expressions) can Picovoice speech-to-intent software understand?
[A] There is no technical limit on the number of commands (expressions) or slot values Picovoice speech-to-intent software can understand. However, on platforms with limited memory (MCUs or DSPs), the total number of commands and vocabulary will be dictated by the available amount of memory. Roughly speaking, for 100 commands and unique words, you should allocate around 50KB of additional memory.
[Q] Which languages does Rhino speech-to-intent support?
[A] At the moment, we only support the English language. For significant commercial opportunities, we may be able to prioritize and partially reinvest commercial license fees into supporting new languages for customers.
[Q] What is Rhino speech-to-intent detection accuracy?
[A] Picovoice has done rigorous performance benchmarking on its Rhino speech-to-intent engine and published the results publicly here. In addition, the audio data and the code used for benchmarking have been made publicly available under the Apache 2.0 license to allow for the results to be reproduced
Rhino speech-to-intent engine can extract intents from spoken utterances with higher than 97% accuracy in clean (no noise) environments, and 95% accuracy in noisy environments with signal to noise ratio of 9dB at microphone level.
[Q] Can Rhino understand phone numbers, time of day, dates, alphanumerics, etc?
[A] Yes, Rhino can accurately understand numbers, alphanumerics, and similar challenging parameters. Here is a demo of phone dialing interaction running on ARM Cortex-M4 processor simulating a hearable application:
[Q] What is required to support additional languages?
[A] Supporting a new language is an involved, time consuming process, and requires substantial investment. For significant commercial opportunities, we may be able to prioritize and partially reinvest commercial license fees into supporting new languages for customers.
[Q] Which platforms does Rhino speech-to-intent engine support?
[A] Rhino speech-to-intent is supported on Raspberry Pi (all models), BeagleBone, Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, and modern web browsers (WebAssembly). Additionally we have support for various ARM Cortex-A and ARM Cortex-M (M4/M7) MCUs by NXP and STMicro.
As part of our professional service, we can port our software to other proprietary platforms such as DSP cores or Neural Net accelerators depending on the size of the commercial opportunity. Such engagement typically warrants non-recurring engineering fees in addition to prepaid commercial royalties.
[Q] Does Picovoice speech-to-intent software work in my target environment and noise conditions?
[A] The overall performance depends on various factors such as speaker distance, level/type of noise, room acoustics, quality of microphone, and audio frontend algorithms used (if any). It is usually best to try out our technology in your target environment using sample models freely-available. Additionally, we have published an open-source benchmark of our speech-to-intent software in a noisy environment here, which can be used as a reference.
[Q] Does Picovoice speech-to-intent software work in presence of noise and reverberation?
[A] Yes, Picovoice speech-to-intent engine is resilient to noise, reverberation, and other acoustic artifacts. We have done rigorous performance benchmarking on Rhino speech-to-intent engine and published the results publicly here. In addition, the audio data and the code used for benchmarking have been made publicly available under Apache 2.0 license to reproduce the results. The results show 92% accuracy in a noisy environment with signal to noise ratio of 9dB at microphone level.
[Q] Is there a limit on the number of slot values?
[A] There is no technical limit on the number of slot values Picovoice speech-to-intent software can understand. However, on platforms with limited memory (particularly MCUs), the total number will be dictated by the available amount of memory. Roughly speaking, for 100 unique words/phrases, you should allocate around 50KB of additional memory.
[Q] Are there any best practices for designing speech-to-intent context (Interaction model)?
[A] The design process for the Picovoice speech-to-intent interaction model (or context) is similar to designing Alexa skills. In general, you have to make sure your context follows the common patterns for situational design:
- Adaptability: Let users speak in their own words.
- Personalization: Individualize your entire interaction.
- Availability: Collapse your menus; make all options top-level.
- Relatability: Talk with them, not at them.
[Q] I need to use speech-to-intent software in an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) application. Is that possible?
[A] Yes. Picovoice speech-to-intent software is a powerful tool for building IVR applications. However, please note that Picovoice software only works well on 16kHz audio and does not perform optimally in telephony applications that use 8kHz audio.
[Q] Does Picovoice speech-to-intent software perform endpointing?
[A] Yes, Picovoice speech-to-intent software performs endpointing automatically.
[Q] Does my application need to listen to a wake word before processing the audio with speech-to-intent software?
[A] Speech-to-intent software requires a method of initiation to start listening when the user is about to speak. That could be implemented by either push-to-talk switch or by the Picovoice wake word detection engine, depending on the customer requirement.
[Q] How do I develop a speech-to-intent context model file?
[A] Designing a speech-to-intent context is straightforward and does not require any specialized technical skills. You need to compile an exhaustive list of all possible utterances/expressions users would say to mean something. Once you do that, you organize them by intent and identify the variables in each expression. For example, in a smart lighting application, the user might say:
- "[set, change, switch, make, turn] the bedroom light [to] orange"
- "[set, change, switch, make, turn] the color in bedroom to orange"
[Q] What’s the advantage of using Picovoice speech-to-intent software instead of using Speech-to-Text and input the transcribed text into an NLU engine to extract intents?
[A] Using a generic speech-to-text engine with NLU usually results in suboptimal accuracy without any tuning. We have benchmarked the performance of Picovoice speech-to-intent engine against Google’s Dialogflow tool here.