Pre-releaseComposer v0.20.2
Welcome to Hyperledger Composer v0.20.2, which comes with some logging and functional updates, to help keep your Composer experience as hyperlegendary as possible.
✨ #4456 include other cloud wallets in the Composer docker images
✨ #4453 picks up the latest fabric shim 1.2.2 which provides continuous keep-a-lives within the node chaincode
✨ #4443 use fabric 1.2.1 as part of automated test suite
✨ #4447 adds client side performance logging
Bug fixes
🐞 #4451 update multi-org tutorial to use fabric 1.2.1, provide caveats around generated angular app
🐞 #4417 angular fix to stop fails on a concept
🐞 #4440 modification so when a peer stopped or disconnected, queryChaincode will try other peers
🐞 #4437 removes all references to LIMIT and SKIP
🐞 #4439 performance logging is now available at the verbose level rather than debug for the chaincode runtime, default changed to warning
🐞 #4441 add more event logging and close channel on disconnect to hlfv1 connector
🐞#4421, #4448, #4420 Fix various doc issues thanks to @bjrnt
🐞 #4450, #4438 general tidy up
when using the Hyperledger Fabric development servers provided by Composer:
- hlfv1 for Fabric v1.0
- hlfv11 for Fabric v1.1
- hlfv12 for Fabric v1.2
- v0.20.0 and above are compatible with the Fabric 1.2.0 driver only
- v0.18.2+ and v0.19.x are compatible with the Fabric 1.1.0 driver only
- v0.18.0 -> v0.18.1 are compatible with the Fabric RC1 driver only
- v0.17.3 -> v0.17.6 are compatible with Fabric alpha driver only
- v0.17.0 -> v0.17.2 are compatible with Fabric preview driver only
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