learn LUA script from https://www.lua.org/pil/1.html
make a LUA script for OBS Studio
copy 'myluascript.lua' file into "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts"
then, you can use it in script menu
![OBS capture](./img/OBS cap.jpg)
![OBS menu capture](./img/OBS menu cap.jpg)
some checkboxes in OBS Script property panel
- DLC, MOD, disaster, Mic, chat TTS, BGM
![script panel capture](./img/script panel cap2.png)
to source in OBS scene
- source_type: Text (GDI+)
- source_name: Title
read checkboxes and make a string
{ ALL / NO } DLC, { Using / NO } MOD, Disaster { ON / OFF }
MIC { ON / OFF }, Chat TTS { ON / OFF }, BGM { ON / OFF } , url info (if only BGM is ON)
set string to Text source
![working capture](./img/working cap2.png)
string concat methods https://www.rubyguides.com/2019/07/ruby-string-concatenation/