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Tutorial_GEM_and-_FBA PublicTutorial for simulation of constraint based models with CobraPy.
Ustilago_maydis-GEM PublicThe genome scale metabolic model iUma22 for Ustilago maydis
PathwayToolsAnnotationParser PublicMatlab script that parses files exported from Pathway Tools for common annotations in order to complete models created with the COBRA Toolbox. This script finds those annotations that the COBRA par…
- yeast-GEM-iAMBvolatiles Public Forked from SysBioChalmers/yeast-GEM
The consensus GEM for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Added with volatiles from the iAMB.
iAMB-RWTH-Aachen/yeast-GEM-iAMBvolatiles’s past year of commit activity - Exp2Ipynb Public
Exp2Ipynb is a collection of Python Jupyter Notebooks for the analysis of gene expression. The input is a library of sequences with equal length mapped to associated expression strength.
iAMB-RWTH-Aachen/Exp2Ipynb’s past year of commit activity - PathwayToolsAnnotationParser Public
Matlab script that parses files exported from Pathway Tools for common annotations in order to complete models created with the COBRA Toolbox. This script finds those annotations that the COBRA parses misses. Before invoking the script, make sure to have imported your model of interest from a Pathway Tools SMBL file with COBRA first.
iAMB-RWTH-Aachen/PathwayToolsAnnotationParser’s past year of commit activity