I'm Sobhani, an independent software engineer who loves to create and share useful content about computer science and the web. When I'm not writing code (which is rare because I have no life whatsoever!), you'll find me reading books, exploring new things, and listening to music.
const meNskills = {
name: "Sabbir Sobhani",
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Node.js", "Python", "Java"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
language: ["JavaScript, "TypeScript"],
framework: ["Vue.js", "Nuxt.js", "React.js", "Next.js"],
style: ["CSS", "SCSS", "TailwindCSS", "MUI", "Bootstrap"]
backEnd: {
language: ["Node.js(JS, TS), "Python", "Java"],
framework: ["Express.js", "Flask", "Django", "Spring Boot"]
database: ["SQL", "PostgreSQL", "Oracle", "MySQL", "NoSQL", "MongoDB", "redis"],
cloud: ["AWS", "Azure", "Heroku"]
currentOccupation: ["Open for job opportunities"],
hobbies: ["Coding", "Listening Music", "Love to Read", "Explore new things"],