ibexa/commerce v3.3.2 change log
Changes since v3.3.1
ezsystems/date-based-publisher changes between v4.3.1 and v4.3.2
ezsystems/ezcommerce-admin-ui changes between v1.2.1 and v1.2.2
- EC-334: [User overview] charts are not properly displayed (#75)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#77)
- EZEE-3473: Removed unused configResolver argument from controller definition (#79)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#78)
- EZEE-3491: Replaced Entity Manager use with sitaccess aware EM (#82)
- EZEE-3491: Fixed syntax after merge up
ezsystems/ezcommerce-base-design changes between v3.3.1 and v3.3.2
- EZEE-3494: Dropped usages of demo Content Types configuration (#31)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#32)
- EC-403: Renamed pagelayout.html.twig to pagelayout_front.html.twig (#35)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-checkout changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#20)
- EC-374: Moved templates from base_theme to standard theme (#24)
- EC-226: Fixed usage of httpOnly cookies for determining session identifier (#22)
- EZEE-3491: Added entity mappings for ORM
- EZEE-3491: Replaced entity manager with siteaccess aware EM
- IBX-76: QTY input does not display properly quantity of added products (#25)
- EZEE-3485: Fixed mismatch between interface phpdoc declarations and actual implementations
ezsystems/ezcommerce-fieldtypes changes between v1.2.0 and v1.2.1
- EC-300: [ezcommerce] Finishing checkout process removes saved delivery addresses from profile (#13)
- EC-403: Dropped base_theme (#15)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-order-history changes between v3.3.0 and v3.3.1
- EC-223: Used DI in OrderHistoryBundle to fix type errors (#18)
- EC-223: Added explicit service dependency from base controller (#20)
- EZEE-3472: Fixed wrong template location and inheritance (#19)
- EZEE-3472: Added possibility to see order history for private customers that are not in ERP (#21)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#22)
- EC-403: Fixed extended pagelayout filename (#25)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-price-engine changes between v3.3.0 and v3.3.1
ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop changes between v3.3.1 and v3.3.2
- EC-373: Exposed configuration to hide Commerce features (#275)
- IBX-75: Hidden Commerce features if Commerce is disabled (#278)
- EC-334: [User overview] charts are not properly displayed (#254)
- EC-364: [Product page] Cannot play video in video tab because of an error 404 occurred (#259)
- EC-357: [Product page] technical information are not correctly displayed (#255)
- EC-223: Aligned views paths with SF5 (#250)
- EZEE-3494: Dropped usages of demo Content Types configuration (#268)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#267)
- EC-384: Remove old templates (#273)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#270)
- EC-125: Removed BasketService from controller constructor (#272)
- EC-226: Fixed usage of httpOnly cookies for determining session identifier (#266)
- EC-403: Renamed pagelayout.html.twig to pagelayout_front.html.twig (#281)
- EZEE-3489: Created dedicated siteaccess aware Entity Manager (#277)
- EZEE-3491: Replaced direct use of ibexa.doctrine.orm.entity_manager with DI
- EZEE-3491: Fixed EM injection to DisplayErpLogCommand service
- EZEE-3491: Added missing entity mappings
- EZEE-3491: Added entity mappings for SilversolutionsToolsBundle
- EZEE-3491: Backported missing entity mappings (#288)
- EC-404: Cannot display order invoice because of an error 500 occurred (#280)
- EC-361: [Delivery address] Value in field country is not properly saved (#283)
- EZEE-3491: Removed obsolete entity mappings (#289)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop-ui changes between v1.1.0 and v1.1.1
- EC-226: Fixed call to endpoint with sessionId (#10)
- EC-405: [Product page] Each specification header is linked (#12)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-transaction changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
- EC-373: Hidden Commerce menu elements if commerce is disabled (#17)
- EZEE-3249: Wishlist (#11)
- EZEE-3339: Quick order (#19)
- EZEE-3494: Dropped usages of demo Content Types configuration (#13)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#9)
- EC-384: Remove old templates (#16)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme (#15)
- EC-379: InvoiceController uses injected InvoiceService (#10)
- EC-226: Fixed usage of httpOnly cookies for determining session identifier (#12)
- EC-405: Each specification header is linked (#22)
- EZEE-3491: Added entity mappings for ORM (#23)
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.3.1 and v2.3.2
- EZEE-3479: As a developer I want to have reusable componenet for charts (#1705)
- IBX-2: Specified action path for search form for easier reuse (#1719)
- EZEE-3484: Create translated draft before edit if autosave is enabled (#1714)
- EZEE-3484: Added missing PHPUnit tests (#1720)
- EZP-31632: Floating table toolbar (#1721)
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#1732)
- IBX-159: Added pagination in locations tab (#1735)
- EZEE-3375: 'Multiple' PB block's attribute is not rendering properly (#1700)
- EZEE-3465: Made SiteaccessPreviewVoter repository aware (#1706)
- EZP-32308: Passed mandatory Location into LocationLimitation (#1699)
- EZP-32294: Location removal removes all children silently and unreversable (#1707)
- EZP-32338: List url aliases for all available translations (#1711)
- EZP-32311: Dropdown bottom options become inaccessible inside modals (#1709)
- EZEE-3486: Added AllowedContentTypes to default config as it was overridden by default empty value (#1717)
- EZP-32396: parseInt rootLocationId (#1726)
- EZP-32395: Sort out Locations tab info on visibility (#1725)
- EZP-32395: Fixed location visibility due to kept BC (#1733)
- EZEE-3496: Remove buttons disappear from set data inputs (#1734)
- IBX-183: Fixed accessing Tabs with spaces and special characters (#1737)
- IBX-251: Replaced eZ\Publish\API\Repository\ContentService::loadReverseRelations usages (#1741)
ezsystems/ezplatform-connector-dam changes between v1.1.0 and v1.1.1
ezsystems/ezplatform-form-builder changes between v2.3.1 and v2.3.2
- EZEE-3465: DI RepositoryConfigurationProvider service (#274)
- EZP-32382: Made File's URL repository aware (#276)
- IBX-142: Fixed language filter in Submissions tab (#277)
ezsystems/ezplatform-graphql changes between v2.3.0 and v2.3.1
- EZP-32379: Deleted unusable thumbnail generation based on 'ezobjectrelation' (#97)
- EZP-32261: Added field name override (#98)
ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache changes between v2.3.0 and v2.3.1
- EZEE-3422: Backported LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files change for v2.2.x
ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.3.1 and v1.3.2
- EZP-32384: Fixed time depended tests (#169)
- EZP-32284: Fixed method signature
- EZP-32284: Fixed code style
- EZP-32284: Added fetching repository config from
extension - EZP-32284: Added additional check for extracting Factory service
- EZEE-3465: Refactored RepositoryConfigurationProvider (#3085)
- EZP-32308: Fixed evaluating permissions on non prepared targets (#3083)
- EZP-32308: Fixed failing tests due to pgsql randomness in returned results (#3088)
- EZP-31462: Fixed handling of pwd hash types when updating passwd (#141)
- EZP-32308: Fixed failing tests due to randomness in returned role policies order (#3089)
- EZP-32320: Fixed image placeholders generation on DFS (#3086)
- EZP-32283: Fixed File reference storing (#160)
- EZEE-3491: Implemented siteaccess aware Entity Manager (#3092)
- EZP-32401: Fixed handling trashed Content by LocationLimitation (#3093)
- IBX-143: Refactored reindexing command to be DBAL 2.13-compatible
- IBX-143: Fixed merge-up of reindex command changes (#178)
ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder changes between v2.3.1 and v2.3.2
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#736)
- EZEE-3515: Blocks in page builder toolbar are now hidden if not available (#734)
- EZEE-3375: 'Multiple' PB block's attribute is not rendering properly (#724)
- EZEE-3396: Fixed select attribute rendering (#722)
- EZEE-3482: 'Multiple' block's attribute is not rendered correctly (#727)
- EZP-32308: Passed mandatory Location into LocationLimitation (#729)
- EZEE-3481: Block scheduling radio buttons are unstyled (#730)
- EZEE-3477: Made root Locations of SAs nullable if unauthorized (#731)
- EZEE-3476: Fixed PB matching based on translation (#732)
- EZEE-3523: Added fallback to SA resolving in PageController (#733)
- IBX-140: Fixed toolbar overlapping ezobjectrelation buttons (#739)
- IBX-179: Disposed CrossOriginHelper snippet from frontend
ezsystems/ezplatform-page-fieldtype changes between v2.3.1 and v2.3.2
ezsystems/ezplatform-personalization changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
- EZEE-3479: As a developer I want to have reusable componenet for charts (#176)
- RSYS-3267: Scenario strategy - add drag and drop icon + cursor (#182)
- RSYS-3333: Added custom parameters field to scenario preview form (#192)
- IBX-245: Changed Blacklist model label (#196)
- IBX-246: Changed labels for strategy model (#195)
- RSYS-3263: Missed attributes in scenario preview (#177)
- RSYS-3289: Content path and content items selectors does not work (#186)
- RSYS-3291: Scenario create issue (#187)
- RSYS-3292: Editorial models issue - missed items (#188)
- RSYS-3298: Fixed PermissionChecker (#189)
- RSYS-3302: Fixed image url in scenario preview (#190)
- IBX-36: Fixed numeric id and name in charts based on scenarios (#193)
ezsystems/ezplatform-rest changes between v1.3.1 and v1.3.2
- EZP-32340: Deprecated ezpublish_rest.field_type_processor in favour of ibexa.rest.field_type.processor (#63)
- EZP-32156: Security fixes for 'user/sessions' endpoint
- EZP-32156: Updated params to match Ibexa namespace
- EZP-32156: Updated param prefixes
ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext changes between v2.3.0 and v2.3.1
- EZP-32340: Deprecated ezpublish_rest.field_type_processor in favour of ibexa.rest.field_type.processor (#174)
- EZP-32351: Custom tags' switch between attributes and content is missing an icon (#176)
ezsystems/ezplatform-search changes between v1.2.0 and v1.2.1
ezsystems/ezplatform-site-factory changes between v1.3.1 and v1.3.2
- EZEE-3477: Allowed unreachable Locations to be nullable (#112)
- EZEE-3523: Unable to translate Landing Pages (#115)
- IBX-25: Applied limit to subselect in order to paginate by pages and not by joined public accesses (#118)
ezsystems/ezplatform-workflow changes between v2.3.1 and v2.3.2
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#182)
- IBX-153: Added missing indexes definitions to schema.yaml (#183)
ezsystems/ezrecommendation-client changes between v2.1.0 and v2.1.1
ibexa/content changes between v3.3.1 and v3.3.2
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#7)
- IBX-149: Enable releases for beta/rc (#8)
ibexa/experience changes between v3.3.1 and v3.3.2
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#6)
- IBX-149: Enable releases for beta/rc (#7)
ibexa/installer changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
- EZEE-3469: Switched to Migration PHP API (#16)
- EZP-32316: Provide database persistence for migration state (#21)
- IBX-75: Made commerce installation optional (#22)
- EZEE-3494: Dropped unused demo data and reorganized migration files (#19)
- EZEE-3003: Increased ezpage_attributes.value size limit (#23)
- IBX-25: Added missing landing_page limitation for anonymous commerce user (#24)
- EZEE-3487: Fixed injecting correct database connection to the installer (#18)
ibexa/migrations changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
- EZEE-3469: Added contract namespace with basic interfaces (#209)
- EZP-32316: Provided database persistence for migration states (#213)
- IBX-137: Implemented Location path reference support (#216)
- EZP-32362: Set description to empty string if not set (#214)
- EZEE-3491: Fixed invalid database connection (#217)
ibexa/oss changes between v3.3.1 and v3.3.2
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#7)
- IBX-149: Enable releases for beta/rc (#8)