An Ansible role that manages template. Currently the role has the following features:
- template feature 1
- template feature 2
- template feature 3
No prerequisites necessary at the moment.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see also defaults/main.yml
- All variabled should start with the role name (e.g.
)- OS-specific variables should be set in the
directory and start with__template_
template_variable: "42"
Specifies the number that template uses
## Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- role: << .Namespace >>.<< .Name >>
<< .Name >>_x: 42
This role has been written for and tested on and is therefore compatible with: << range .Platforms >> << if eq . "rockylinux8" >> * Rocky-8<> << if eq . "rockylinux9" >> * Rocky-9<> << if eq . "ubuntu2004" >> * Ubuntu 20.04<> << if eq . "ubuntu2204" >> * Ubuntu 22.04<> << end >>
<< .License >>
The role was created in 2023 by the << .Author >> at << .Company >>