go to public/js/script.js and find global_variables then edit the values with your own
var global_variables = {
"API_URL": "http://localhost:8000", # the API url
"BSC_EXPLORER": "https://testnet.bscscan.com", # the BSC explorer url
"IDENA_EXPLORER": "https://scan.idena.io", # the IDENA explorer url
"MIN_SWAP": 10, # Min amount that can be swapped
"BSC_FEES": 150, # this should be same value as the backend one's
"IDENA_FIXED_FEES": 1, # this should be same value as the backend one's
"BSC_CONTRACT": "0x6a719bcbDCCcCe1459C48f34E769A3c43C5B9415", # this should be same value as the backend one's
"IDENA_WALLET": "0xf2bb83e71f9338d634eb4590a070494455e22a81" # the bridge's wallet address on idena blockchain
to start the ui execute this npm start