scrapping with R. May be some data exploration will be added.
- soccerwayTeam.R - contains a function soccerwayTeam(url). Takes url for the team squad info (for example, see data/URLpattern.txt file) and reads the table.
- teamIDs.R - contains teamIDs(url). Takes the page such as this: "" and reads team IDs.
- loadSquadInfos.R - contains a function loadSquadInfos(url,seasID,folder), which loads squad info for all the teams in the specified league at specified season and loads it to the choosen folder. For the details about url and seasID parameters, see data/League URLs.txt. Some details: by default, the folder parameter is set to NULL. With this value, function does not creates any files. The returnData parameter determines whether to return a downloaded data as a function value.
- DownloadData.R - code to download and save squad info for leagues from data/League URLs.csv file.
- exploration.R - unfinished data exploration.
- exploration[2,3].R - another unfinished data exploration.
- URLpattern.txt - contains a pattern, which describes how to construct a url for the squad info of the certain team in the certain season for the further usage by the soccerwayTeam(url) function.
- Leagues 2013 folder - contain squad info for top 5 euro leagues in the 2013-2014 season.
- League URLs.csv - a table with variables to use in loadSquadInfos function.
Contains some findings derived from datasets available.
- AvMatch.csv - avarage goals and cards quantity per match for top 5 european leagues.
- AvMatch-1.png and AvMatch-2.png - histograms for AvMatch.csv
- pos_age.csv - average age per postion.
- pos_gpm.csv - average goals per position.
- pos_gpm.png - histogram for pos_gpm.csv.
- pos_plrs.csv - average number of players per position in match for different leagues.
- Average Lineups folder - same as pos_plrs.csv, but for each team separately.