Php class for using Yandex translate system
This system is like Bing Translator or Google translate, but api is free for use and without strict limits.
The API offers text translation features for over 30 languages.
To begin using this class you need to get your own API key, you can do it just in pair of clicks.
Firstly create a Yandex account - https://passport.yandex.com/passport
Finally get your API key - http://api.yandex.ru/key/form.xml?service=trnsl
Official api description and documentation in English - http://api.yandex.com/translate/
in russian - http://api.yandex.ru/translate/
$key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$tr = new \Beeyev\YaTranslate\Trnsl($key);
$result = $tr->detect('Γεια'); //Detects language of the original text
$result = $tr->translate('Hello, how are you?','en-fr'); //Translate from French to English
$result = $tr->translate('Bonjour, comment allez-vous?','en'); //Detects language of the original text and translates in English