Traefik is very accomodating but jwilder/nginx-proxy proves more flexible and faster.
- Reverse proxy caching
- Monit and health
- Gitea mounted to external HDD
- Pterodactyl panel
This is setup worked for me. Hopefully, it works the same for you.
- Replace docker-compose.yaml variables. Worry about gitea and postgresql for now.
- Run
docker network create nginx-proxy
- In containerd:
docker-compose up -d
- In gitd:
docker-compose up -d gitea postgres-db
- Install Gitea and create user
- User settings > Applications. Type following
- Application Name: Drone
- Redirect URI: ${DRONE_SRV_URL}/login
- Copy and paste Oauth2 info into gitd docker-compose.yaml
- In gitd:
docker-compose down
- Remove # placeholders in docker-compose.yaml
- Repeat 4