- Bare Metal C on ARM by Daniels Umanovskis
- Bare Metal C++ on RPi by Alex Robenko
- Mastering STM32 by Carmine Noviello
- Intel/AMD x64 platform (Windows or Linux)
- Visual Studio Code
- Dot Net Core 6.0
- STM32 Cube Programmer
- ST Link GDB Server
- STM32 Cube MX
- STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill
- Create sibling folder "tools" where you have cloned git project. Create subfolders:
- tools
- | gdb
- | stm32-tools
- tools
- install Dot Net Core 6.0 SDK
- install Visual Studio Code
- install STM32 Cube Programmer copy everyhting from install dir to "tools\stm32-tools" (default install path is: C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer)
- install STM32 Cube MX
- install ST Link GDB Server copy everything from bin folder to "tools\gdb" (default install path is: "C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.1\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.stlink-gdb-server.win32_x.x.x.xxxxxxx\tools\bin")
- open workspace
- Run task "initialize" (this will download gnumake, cmake and ARM toolchain and install them in tools folder)
- For CMake kit select: GNU ARM
- Create sibling folder "tools" where you have cloned git project. Create subfolders:
- tools
- | gdb
- | stm32-tools
- tools
- install Dot Net Core 6.0 SDK
- install Visual Studio Code
- install STM32 Cube Programmer
- copy everyhting from install dir to "tools\stm32-tools"
- install STM32 Cube MX
- install ST Link GDB Server
- run: sudo sh st-stlink-server.xxxx-linux-amd64.install.sh
- copy file stlink-server-x.x.x-x to "tools\gdb\ST-LINK_gdbserver"
- open workspace
- Run task "initialize" (this will download gnumake, cmake and ARM toolchain and install them in tools folder)
- For CMake kit select: GNU ARM
- connect USB ST-Link programmer
- Run task "build debug" to build debug version (ctrl+shift+B)
- Run task "attach to gdb" to debug the project (F5)
- Note: Always "build debug" before you start debuging the project.