Discord bot to check for updates to static HTML pages
Clone the repository, or just download main.py
You'll need to install the requests, dotenv, and discord libraries. You might want to make a virtual environment first. Then do "pip install requests", "pip install python-dotenv", and "pip install discord".
If you don't already have one, you can get an account here
Go here and make a new application. Write down the client ID and secret.Then make a bot within the application, write down the token
Make a file called ".env" in the same folder as main.py, and paste in "DISCORD_TOKEN=[your token here]"
Run main.py - you might be able to double click, if that doesn't work open a terminal and type "python3 main.py"
Make sure the bot is online
This will add the url to your list of tracked websites
Stop tracking the website
Check your list of sites for updates