Repovel is used to add an extra layer for services and abstract data access using repositories.
The Service Layer is a design pattern that will help you to abstract your logic when you need to use different front-end on your application, for your domain logic. Actually, you delegate the application logic to a common service (the service layer) and have only one class to maintain when your application grows or needs an update. This is also a good way to clean up your controllers, and make them more readable. [1]
The Repository Pattern has gained quite a bit of popularity since it was first introduced as a part of Domain-Driven Design in 2004. Essentially, it provides an abstraction of data, so that your application can work with a simple abstraction that has an interface approximating that of a collection. Meaning, it adds another layer between your application logic and your data source either your database or any external API. [2],[3]
Run the following command from you terminal:
composer require imdhemy/repovel
Repovel extends the awesome artisan commands to add two new commands make:service
and make:repository
as follows:
To create a service class, use the make:service
Artisan CLI command:
php artisan make:service StoreBlogPost
If you want to create a Form Request class with the required service, add the option -r
php artisan make:service StoreBlogPost -r
This command creates two classes App\Http\Services\StoreBlogPost
and App\Http\Requests\StoreBlogPostRequest
So how the created services are used? Within your controller method you can instantiate your service and return its handle()
as a response
public function store(StoreBlogPostRequest $request)
return new StoreBlogPost($request);
Instantiating a service class with a Form request is optional, you can discard the $request
$service = new StoreBlogPost;
Write your service logic inside thehandle()
* Execute service
* @return mixed
public function handle()
// do some stuff
You can access the Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest
methods inside the service:
$name = $this->input('name');
$validated_name = $this->validated('name');
$all_input = $this->all();
To create a repository class, use the make:repository
Artisan CLI command:
php artisan make:repository PostRepository
The created class is found in app\Http\Repositories
, go and add your required methods to retrieve data.
N.B. I found that implementing Repository Criteria or forcing some repository methods like(all, get, find and etc ..) by an interface will limit the usage of the created repositories. It's up to you to use them.
namespace App\Http\Services;
use Imdhemy\Repovel\Contracts\AbstractService as Service;
use App\Repositories\DummyRepository;
class DummyClass extends Service
* Execute service
* @return mixed
public function handle()
$repository = new DummyRepository();
$dummies = $repository->all();
return $dummies;
The config file repovel.php
allows you to change the default namespace for services and repositories.
To publish the config files run the following Artisan CLI command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=repovel-configs
This copies [/imdhemy/repovel/src/config/repovel.php]
To [/config/repovel.php]
where you can edit the default configuration:
return [
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Services configuration
* ---------------------------------------------------
'services' => [
'namespace' => '\Http\Services' // Default namespace for the services
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Repositories configuration
* ---------------------------------------------------
'repositories' => [
'namespace' => '\Repositories' // Default namespace for the repositories
The contents of this repository is released under the MIT license.