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Merge pull request #25 from matsjoyce-refeyn/feature/label-output-type
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Allow label type to be specified
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nilgoyette authored Sep 30, 2023
2 parents 6406268 + c87c779 commit 8b14b4d
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150 changes: 100 additions & 50 deletions src/
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@@ -1,21 +1,39 @@
use ndarray::{s, Array3, ArrayBase, Axis, Data, Ix3, Zip};
use num_traits::{Bounded, FromPrimitive, NumAssignOps, ToPrimitive, Unsigned};

use crate::Mask;

const BACKGROUND: u16 = 0;
const FOREGROUND: u16 = 1;
pub trait LabelType:
Copy + FromPrimitive + ToPrimitive + Ord + Unsigned + NumAssignOps + Bounded
fn background() -> Self;
fn foreground() -> Self;

impl<T> LabelType for T
T: Copy + FromPrimitive + ToPrimitive + Ord + Unsigned + NumAssignOps + Bounded,
fn background() -> Self {
fn foreground() -> Self {

/// Calculates the histogram of a label image.
/// * `labels` - `u16` 3D labels image, returned by the `label` function.
/// * `labels` - 3D labels image, returned by the `label` function.
/// * `nb_features` - Number of unique labels, returned by the `label` function.
pub fn label_histogram<S>(labels: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>, nb_features: usize) -> Vec<usize>
S: Data<Elem = u16>,
S: Data,
S::Elem: LabelType,
let mut count = vec![0; nb_features + 1];
Zip::from(labels).for_each(|&l| {
count[l as usize] += 1;
count[l.to_usize().unwrap()] += 1;
Expand All @@ -24,34 +42,37 @@ where
/// Ignores the background label. A blank label image will return None.
/// * `labels` - `u16` 3D labels image, returned by the `label` function.
/// * `labels` - 3D labels image, returned by the `label` function.
/// * `nb_features` - Number of unique labels, returned by the `label` function.
pub fn most_frequent_label<S>(
labels: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>,
nb_features: usize,
) -> Option<(u16, usize)>
) -> Option<(S::Elem, usize)>
S: Data<Elem = u16>,
S: Data,
S::Elem: LabelType,
let hist = label_histogram(labels, nb_features);
let (max, max_index) =
hist[1..].iter().enumerate().fold((0, 0), |acc, (i, &nb)| acc.max((nb, i)));
(max > 0).then(|| ((max_index + 1) as u16, max))
(max > 0).then(|| (S::Elem::from_usize(max_index + 1).unwrap(), max))

/// Returns a new mask, containing the biggest zone of `mask`.
/// * `mask` - Binary image to be labeled and studied.
/// * `structure` - Structuring element used for the labeling. Must be 3x3x3 (e.g. the result
/// of [`Kernel3d::generate`](crate::Kernel3d::generate)) and centrosymmetric. The center must be `true`.
/// The labeling is done using `u16`, this may be too small when `mask` has more than [`u16::MAX`] elements.
pub fn largest_connected_components<S>(
mask: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>,
structure: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>,
) -> Option<Mask>
S: Data<Elem = bool>,
let (labels, nb_features) = label(mask, structure);
let (labels, nb_features) = label::<_, u16>(mask, structure);
let (right_label, _) = most_frequent_label(&labels, nb_features)?;
Some(labels.mapv(|l| l == right_label))
Expand All @@ -63,19 +84,35 @@ where
/// * `mask` - Binary image to be labeled. `false` values are considered the background.
/// * `structure` - Structuring element used for the labeling. Must be 3x3x3 (e.g. the result
/// of [`Kernel3d::generate`](crate::Kernel3d::generate)) and centrosymmetric. The center must be `true`.
pub fn label<S>(data: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>, structure: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>) -> (Array3<u16>, usize)
/// The return type of `label` can be specified using turbofish syntax:
/// ```
/// // Will use `u16` as the label type
/// ndarray_ndimage::label::<_, u16>(
/// &ndarray::Array3::from_elem((100, 100, 100), true),
/// &ndarray_ndimage::Kernel3d::Star.generate()
/// );
/// ```
/// As a rough rule of thumb, the maximum value of the label type should be larger than `data.len()`.
/// This is the worst case, the exact bound will depend on the kernel used. If the label type overflows
/// while assigning labels, a panic will occur.
pub fn label<S, O>(data: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>, structure: &ArrayBase<S, Ix3>) -> (Array3<O>, usize)
S: Data<Elem = bool>,
O: LabelType,
assert!(structure.shape() == &[3, 3, 3], "`structure` must be size 3 in all dimensions");
assert!(structure == structure.slice(s![..;-1, ..;-1, ..;-1]), "`structure is not symmetric");

let len = data.dim().2;
let mut line_buffer = vec![BACKGROUND; len + 2];
let mut neighbors = vec![BACKGROUND; len + 2];
let mut line_buffer = vec![O::background(); len + 2];
let mut neighbors = vec![O::background(); len + 2];

let mut next_region = FOREGROUND + 1;
let mut equivalences: Vec<_> = (0..next_region).collect();
let mut next_region = O::foreground() + O::one();
let mut equivalences: Vec<_> =
(0..next_region.to_usize().unwrap()).map(|x| O::from_usize(x).unwrap()).collect();

// We only handle 3D data for now, but this algo can handle N-dimensional data.
Expand All @@ -102,10 +139,10 @@ where
let use_previous = structure[(1, 1, 0)];
let width = data.dim().0 as isize;
let height = data.dim().1 as isize;
let mut labels = Array3::from_elem(data.dim(), BACKGROUND);
let mut labels = Array3::from_elem(data.dim(), O::background());
Zip::indexed(data.lanes(Axis(2))).for_each(|idx, data| {
for (&v, b) in data.iter().zip(&mut line_buffer[1..]) {
*b = if !v { BACKGROUND } else { FOREGROUND }
*b = if !v { O::background() } else { O::foreground() }

let mut needs_self_labeling = true;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +191,7 @@ where

// Compact and apply the equivalences
let nb_features = compact_equivalences(&mut equivalences, next_region);
labels.mapv_inplace(|l| equivalences[l as usize]);
labels.mapv_inplace(|l| equivalences[l.to_usize().unwrap()]);

(labels, nb_features)
Expand All @@ -173,18 +210,21 @@ fn is_valid(idx: &[usize; 2], coords: &[isize; 2], dims: &[isize; 2]) -> Option<
.and_then(|x| valid(idx[1], coords[1], dims[1]).and_then(|y| Some((x, y))))

fn label_line_with_neighbor(
line: &mut [u16],
neighbors: &[u16],
equivalences: &mut Vec<u16>,
fn label_line_with_neighbor<O>(
line: &mut [O],
neighbors: &[O],
equivalences: &mut Vec<O>,
kernel: [bool; 3],
use_previous: bool,
label_unlabeled: bool,
mut next_region: u16,
) -> u16 {
mut next_region: O,
) -> O
O: LabelType,
let mut previous = line[0];
for (n, l) in line[1..]) {
if *l != BACKGROUND {
if *l != O::background() {
for (&n, &k) in n.iter().zip(&kernel) {
if k {
*l = take_label_or_merge(*l, n, equivalences);
Expand All @@ -195,10 +235,11 @@ fn label_line_with_neighbor(
*l = take_label_or_merge(*l, previous, equivalences);
// Still needs a label?
if *l == FOREGROUND {
if *l == O::foreground() {
*l = next_region;
next_region += 1;
assert!(next_region < O::max_value(), "Overflow when assigning label");
next_region += O::one();
Expand All @@ -208,11 +249,14 @@ fn label_line_with_neighbor(

/// Take the label of a neighbor, or mark them for merging
fn take_label_or_merge(current: u16, neighbor: u16, equivalences: &mut [u16]) -> u16 {
if neighbor == BACKGROUND {
fn take_label_or_merge<O>(current: O, neighbor: O, equivalences: &mut [O]) -> O
O: LabelType,
if neighbor == O::background() {
} else if current == FOREGROUND {
neighbor // neighbor is not BACKGROUND
} else if current == O::foreground() {
neighbor // neighbor is not background
} else if current != neighbor {
mark_for_merge(neighbor, current, equivalences)
} else {
Expand All @@ -221,57 +265,63 @@ fn take_label_or_merge(current: u16, neighbor: u16, equivalences: &mut [u16]) ->

/// Mark two labels to be merged
fn mark_for_merge(mut a: u16, mut b: u16, equivalences: &mut [u16]) -> u16 {
fn mark_for_merge<O>(mut a: O, mut b: O, equivalences: &mut [O]) -> O
O: LabelType,
// Find smallest root for each of a and b
let original_a = a;
while a != equivalences[a as usize] {
a = equivalences[a as usize];
while a != equivalences[a.to_usize().unwrap()] {
a = equivalences[a.to_usize().unwrap()];
let original_b = b;
while b != equivalences[b as usize] {
b = equivalences[b as usize];
while b != equivalences[b.to_usize().unwrap()] {
b = equivalences[b.to_usize().unwrap()];
let lowest_label = a.min(b);

// Merge roots
equivalences[a as usize] = lowest_label;
equivalences[b as usize] = lowest_label;
equivalences[a.to_usize().unwrap()] = lowest_label;
equivalences[b.to_usize().unwrap()] = lowest_label;

// Merge every step to minlabel
a = original_a;
while a != lowest_label {
let a_copy = a;
a = equivalences[a as usize];
equivalences[a_copy as usize] = lowest_label;
a = equivalences[a.to_usize().unwrap()];
equivalences[a_copy.to_usize().unwrap()] = lowest_label;
b = original_b;
while b != lowest_label {
let b_copy = b;
b = equivalences[b as usize];
equivalences[b_copy as usize] = lowest_label;
b = equivalences[b.to_usize().unwrap()];
equivalences[b_copy.to_usize().unwrap()] = lowest_label;


/// Compact the equivalences vector
fn compact_equivalences(equivalences: &mut [u16], next_region: u16) -> usize {
let no_labelling = next_region == 2;
fn compact_equivalences<O>(equivalences: &mut [O], next_region: O) -> usize
O: LabelType,
let no_labelling = next_region == O::from_usize(2).unwrap();
let mut dest_label = if no_labelling { 0 } else { 1 };
for i in 2..next_region as usize {
if equivalences[i] == i as u16 {
equivalences[i] = dest_label;
dest_label += 1;
for i in 2..next_region.to_usize().unwrap() {
if equivalences[i] == O::from_usize(i).unwrap() {
equivalences[i] = O::from_usize(dest_label).unwrap();
dest_label = dest_label + 1;
} else {
// We've compacted every label below this, and equivalences has an invariant that it
// always points downward. Therefore, we can fetch the final label by two steps of
// indirection.
equivalences[i] = equivalences[equivalences[i] as usize];
equivalences[i] = equivalences[equivalences[i].to_usize().unwrap()];
if no_labelling {
} else {
*equivalences.iter().max().unwrap() as usize

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