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Uses the locationforecast 2.0 API (

Fetches the weather forecast and lets you access the data for the closest data point in the future.


use Weather::METNO;
my $w = Weather::METNO->new(lat => $lat, lon => $lon, lang => 'en', uid => '<[email protected]>');
say sprintf('%.1f°C (%.1f°F) :: %s :: Cld: %u%% :: Hum: %u%% :: Fog: %u%% :: UV: %.1f :: Wnd: %s from %s', $w->temp_c, $w->temp_f, $w->symbol_txt, $w->cloudiness, $w->humidity, $w->foginess, $w->uvindex, $w->windspeed_bft_txt, $w->windfrom_dir);

See lib/Weather/ for available methods.

Example result of usage in a Discord embed:


A unique string in the user agent is required per TOS, it should preferably be your domain or your email address, in case you need to be contacted. uid will get appeneded to LWP's UA string.

The API 2.0 symbol icons are meant to be self-hosted instead of being API provided, if you want to use those feel free to embed them from

Feel free to work on and improve this. Pull-requests are more than welcome.