Open source warehouse management software follows MIT protocol and front-back stage decoupling method. API uses restful protocol to facilitate for add-on functions development. The html & js code is constructed with quasar(base on Vue.js v2.6.0+). According to API, it can support business models such as multi warehouse, wave shipment, combined picking and milk-run and so on.
Software copyright Code:China: 2018SR517685
Gitee Link:Gitee
Technical QQ community:1051907485
* Python v3.7.0 +
* Django v2.2.14(Django v2.2.14 can support Django-rest-swagger better. If you don't need Django-rest-swagger to debug api, you can pip install higher version Django)
* Django-rest-framework v3.9.2(Django-rest-framework v3.9.2 can support Django-rest-swagger better,If you don't need Django-rest-swagger to debug api, you can pip install higher version Django-rest-framework)
* Django-rest-swagger v2.2.0
* Django-silk v4.0.1(In production environment,please close silk,silk will leak user infomation)
* Quasar v1.7.2+
* Vue v2.6.0+
* API,follow restful protocol
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Python Library
$ python makemigrations
Run Django database migrate file.
$ python migrate
Confirm migrate database. Django Primordial support sqlite3 database. If you wanna change database to others. Please editor singosgu/
Local Server
$ python runserver
Local Server Port Customize
$ python runserver
If you customize the Port. The user in local area network can use 'server IP:Port' to browse the software
Nginx Config:
Only example for Nginx. You can get example nginx.conf in project files. Exchange you server nginx.conf is ok. Take attention the project path & domin name in nginx.conf must be real.
Install uwsgi:
$ pip install uwsgi
If you use virtual environment. You must install uwsgi in Production Environment once, then install uwsgi in virtual environment once again.
Run uwsgi:
$ uwsgi -x /path/to/***your project path***/mysite.xml
If you don't want the project refresh while the code changed . You can set py-autoreload as 0(zero)
uwsgi reload:
$ uwsgi --reload /path/to/***your project path***/
Uwsgi recorded a pid file. Each time you want to reload the uwsgi . Reload this pid is ok
According to front-back stage decoupling method. It support you to develop more extend software
* The project of AGV has been open-source. It use Tracking sensor,Ultrasonic obstacle avoidance sensor, Infrared obstacle avoidance sensor. Base on HTTP protocol & WEB Web Framework. In order to ensure safety, data interchange must bind AGV's MAC address and IP address .
* Don't use warehouse modular, API can support fast develop a sales management system.
* API can support you develop a real time data monitoring system.
* Goods' QTY, Create_time, Last_update_time be detailed record. So you can analyst the inventory cleary and develop a SCM system.
* Openid is user's unique identification. Data unique identification is appid. Data-line unique identification is t_code. So it facilitate support Multi Warehouse Management
* Can set Cyclical-Requests to realize Wave picking & shipping.
* Can edit supplier & customer's authorization. Let them know the goods demand & consumption
* Ditto
* You can set picking route rule to imporve picking productiveness.
* statics/baseurl.js是发起请求的基本网址,如果是本地调试,则默认为http:// ,如果部署在服务器,则需要将其改为你的网站访问url
* django-silk为开发时的调试工具,可以统计每个接口的响应速度,如果需要部署到生产环境,请删除django-silk相关配置,因为会有泄露用户信息的风险,或者直接修改django-silk,让用户只能看到自己的请求数据
* swagger会生成软件的开发者文档,访问'baseurl' + '/docs/',就可以看到具体的开发者文档,同时还可以对接口进行调试, 开发者文档使用的YML的格式,也可以自己在APIView里面修改,注意接口,get是修改get请求的API文档,post是修改post请求的API文档
* 数据库设计时考虑到数据迁移等问题,所以只有users里面的user_id和django自带的user_id做了外键,其余所有字段全部没有使用外键,方便数据备份和数据库迁移
* post,patch,put请求会传输一个数据data,可以是一个json数据,也可以是一个json数据组,传输的data会被utils/datasolve处理,来判断是否有js文件或sql注入,从而保证了后台数据库的安全性,每个前端给后端发的请求,都会核对用户的唯一标识,以防止用户数据串流
* openid是注册用户的唯一标识,当管理员直接注册时,会有developer=1这个管理员标识,管理员具备最高权限,而由管理员,或有新增用户权限的用户新建的用户,developer=0,developer作为管理员标识存在,每次向服务器发起请求,都需要url传值这个openid,服务器端会根据这个openid来判断是否为正常用户,从而保证数据不会被混乱访问,同时也可以根据openid来记录具体的访问用户,作为数据追溯依据,可以使用request.auth获得该条数据
* appid是数据源唯一标识,每次新建用户(员工账号)时,用户的appid都会统一为管理员账号的appid,从而达到了所有数据的统一性,即新用户A在发起数据请求时,会带上自己的openid,服务器端根据这个openid去链接appid下的所有数据,防止访问到其他用户的数据,可以使用request.user.appid获得该条数据
* 用户信息已经设计了权限管理,共45个,有字段aut1~~aut45,可自定义权限管理,先未对权限管理数据传输做任何限制,可自定义添加
* t_code是数据存在数据库里面的唯一标识,是具有唯一性的,所有的数据修改和删除,都是使用t_code来判断的,避免使用id判断时,会出现数据误操作,该条数据是由当时的时间戳+传入的一个string值,合并生成的MD5码
* get请求已经做好了分页设计,传值时:max_page参数为每页最大显示多少条内容,默认设计是1000条数据,因为如果数据过多,会造成数据较慢; page参数为请求第几页的数据,一般在返回的数据中,有一个totalpage参数,可以知道一共有多少页
* 一般post,patch,put是4段式设计,1--审查用户权限,会return一个值'Y' or 'N',2--审查数据的安全性, 3--审查数据是否可以存入数据库或修改数据库数据,4--新增或修改数据,并返回一个data给到前端,这样做可以避免数据增删改的时候出现误改的情况
* 数据库设计时考虑到数据迁移等问题,所以只有users里面的user_id和django自带的user_id做了外键,其余所有字段全部没有使用外键,方便数据备份和数据库迁移
* 由于小程序不支持patch请求,所以需要自信在django中设置一个views,来访问patch请求的数据