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Message storage

Alexander Boldyrev edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

Mobile Messaging SDK for Cordova supports a message storage feature. If the storage is enabled in configuration, then the plugin will save all push messages to the configured message storage. Plugin will handle and save messages that are received both during background and during foreground operation of the app. Two types of message storage configuration are supported: default storage and an external one.

Default message storage

Mobile Messaging SDK supports a built-in message storage. defaultMessageStorage option shall be set to true in initialization configuration to enable it. If default message storage is enabled, then it will be possible to access all the messages received by the library using methods described below.

        applicationCode: '<your_application_code>',
        defaultMessageStorage: true,
        ios: {
            notificationTypes: ['alert', 'badge', 'sound']
    function(error) {
        console.log('Init error: ' + error.description);

 * Retrieves all messages from message storage
    console.log('Currently have ' + messages.length + ' messages in default storage');

 * Retrieves message from the storage using provided message id
MobileMessaging.defaultMessageStorage().find('existing-message-id', function(message) {
    console.log('Found message by id: ' + JSON.stringify(message));

 * Deletes all messages
MobileMessaging.defaultMessageStorage().deleteAll(function() {
    console.log('Deleted all messages')

 * Deletes a messaging with the provided message id
MobileMessaging.defaultMessageStorage().delete('existing-message-id', function() {
    console.log('Deleted all messages')


Default message storage is a simple wrapper implementation over Core Data on iOS and SQLite on Android and is currently not designed to support large numbers of received messages. Note that performance of default message storage may decrease with the increasing number of messages stored inside. It is recommended to use external message storage to have full control over received messages.

External message storage

Mobile Messaging SDK for Cordova can be initialized with a custom external implementation of message storage. In this case the plugin will use the supplied message storage to save all the received messages. This option is recommended because in this case developer has full control over how and where messages are stored and which procedures apply. External message storage has to comply with the interface below in order to be used with Mobile Messaging SDK for Cordova.

var myStorageImplementation = {

     * Will be called by the plugin when messages are received and it's time to save them to the storage
     * @param {Array} array of message objects to save to storage
    save: function(messages) {

     * Will be called by the plugin to find a message by message id
     * @param {Function} callback has to be called on completion with one parameter - found message object
    find: function(messageId, callback) {

     * Will be called by the plugin to find all messages in the storage
     * @param {Function} callback has to be called on completion with one parameter - an array of available messages
    findAll: function(callback) {

     * Will be called by the plugin when its time to initialize the storage
    start: function() {

     * Will be called by the plugin when its time to deinitialize the storage
    stop: function() {

Then an external message storage has to be supplied with initialization configuration so that SDK will be able to use it to store received messages.

        applicationCode: '<your_application_code>',
        messageStorage: myStorageImplementation,
        ios: {
            notificationTypes: ['alert', 'badge', 'sound']
    function(error) {
        console.log('Init error: ' + error.description);

External message storage implementation with local storage

This section covers an example implementation of external message storage with the key-value local storage of the underlying web view provided by cordova.

var localStorage = {

    save: function(messages) {
        console.log('Saving messages: ' + JSON.stringify(messages));
        for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
            window.localStorage.setItem(messages[i].messageId, JSON.stringify(messages[i]));

    find: function(messageId, callback) {
        console.log('Find message: ' + messageId);
        var message = window.localStorage.getItem(messageId);
        if (message) {
            console.log('Found message: ' + message);
        } else {

    findAll: function(callback) {
        console.log('Find all');
        this.findAllByKeys(0, [], function(messages) {
            console.log('Found ' + messages.length + ' messages');

    start: function() {

    stop: function() {

    findAllByKeys: function(ind, foundMessages, callback) {
        if (ind >= window.localStorage.length) {
        this.find(window.localStorage.key(ind), function(message) {
            if (message) {
            localStorage.findAllByKeys(ind + 1, foundMessages, callback);

And Mobile Messaging can be initialized to use this storage as below:

        applicationCode: '<your_application_code>',
        messageStorage: localStorage,
        ios: {
            notificationTypes: ['alert', 'badge', 'sound']
    function(error) {
        console.log('Init error: ' + error.description);
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