Hyperschedule: webapp for scheduling Claremont Colleges courses quickly.
Check out https://hyperschedule.io!
This repository contains only the HTML, CSS, and TypeScript comprising the front-end webapp hosted on Netlify. The backend, which serves a single-endpoint JSON API and handles scraping information from the Claremont Colleges course catalog, is located here.
Clone this repository on your local machine by running
$ git clone https://github.com/MuddCreates/hyperschedule.git
Then run,
$ npm run setup
to install all of the project dependencies and set up git pre-commit hooks. At this point you can run the webapp locally by running
$ npm run dev
This will build the static files and serve them to localhost:5000
By default, the webapp expects the API to be running at
. If you're doing development on
the API locally, you'll want to override this by passing e.g.
(or similar). If exporting to
, don't forget the http
, since otherwise Chrome's CORS
policy will block the request.
Other npm commands available:
npm run Show list of commands available
npm run dev Start development server
npm run build Compile TypeScript for production
npm run setup Install dependencies and Git pre-commit hooks
npm run setup-hooks Install Git pre-commit hooks
npm run clean Remove files ignored by Git
npm run clean-all Remove all files, even in untracked directories
npm run format Auto-format TypeScript
npm run lint Verify all code is formatted
npm run ci Run tests that CI will run
Deployment to Netlify happens automatically when a commit is merged to
. If you have permission to manage the deployment pipeline,
the administrator dashboard is here.
The file src/js/vendor/ics-0.2.0.min.js
was obtained by copying the
file ics.deps.min.js
from the repository
https://github.com/nwcell/ics.js at tag
and replacing the string rrule
with RRULE
in one place to work
around an issue and
replacing var ics=
with module.exports =
to work around another
issue where Parcel changes global variable names of included scripts.
Is it horrifying? Yes. But does it work? Yes.