Release 0.8.0 - Cardano SL 0.6.0
Opt-in mode for sending logs to the remote server
Added support for Cmd+H hotkey shortcut for hiding application window on OSX (PR 404 )
Setup environment variable for testnet/mainnet mode (PR 400 )
Export wallet to file (PR 426 )
Add theming options in settings (PR 370 )
About page, available from the system menu (PR 430 )
Setup default themes for TN and MN and introduce new theme names (PR 451 )
Transaction fees UX improvements on wallet sent screen (PR 449 )
Implement MomentJs internationalization
Also quit whole app when last window is closed on osx
Daedalus and Cardano node update notification text messages change (PR 392 )
Fixed brittle acceptance test steps (wallet latest transaction amount check) (PR 393 )
Fixed Numeric component caret position bug on wallet send screen (PR 394 )
Fixed all design implementation issues (PR 397 )
Fixed eslint syntax warnings (PR 403 )
Fixed wallet spending password fields error messages positioning on wallet create/restore/import dialogs (PR 407 )
Fixed inline-editing success-messages on wallet settings screen (PR 408 )
Fixed dialogs cut-off content on smaller screens (PR 370 )
Fixed the issue of dialogs being closable while wallet import/creation/restoring is happening (PR 393 )
Fixed calculation and display of transaction assurance levels (PR 390 )
Fixes Transaction additional info showing/hiding affects all user's wallets (PR 411 )
Fixed promise handling for unmounted wallet send form PR 412
Fixes Transaction toggle issue on active wallet change (PR 421 )
Fixed missing 'used address' styling for default wallet address on wallet receive screen (PR 422 )
Terms of service for the mainnet (PR 425 )
Fixed failing acceptance tests (PR 424 )
Show correct error message on sending money to Ada redemption address (PR 423 )
Fixed ENOENT error on log file rotation (PR 428 )
Fixed logging error (PR 431 )
Add theming support on UI which was introduced after introduction of Theming feature (PR 434 )
Speed-up About page opening time (PR 450 )
Importing a wallet from a file updated-API integration (PR 439 )
Exporting a wallet updated-API integration (PR 438 )
Show correct error message for A -> A transaction error (PR 441 )
Improved QR code colors on wallet send screen for dark themes (PR 448 )
Fixed transaction fees flicker on wallet send screen form submit (PR 456 )
Fixed failing acceptance-tests (PR 454 )
Prevent application window auto focusing while running acceptance-tests (PR 458 )
Limit and validate wallet's name maximum length (PR 465 )
Added readme file for running acceptance tests (PR 395 )
Improved webpack build performance (PR 402 )
Updated README file "Development - network options" section (PR 410 )
All CSS hardcoded values replaced with variables (PR 370 )
Implemented sync progress and payment requests with new JS api as first step to remove the purescript api (PR 437 )
Speed optimizations for page reloads while running tests by loading bundled up for one-time tests runs (PR 448 )
Optimized structure and naming of theming files (PR 453 )
Added testnet label, loaded from translations for release candidate (PR 460 )
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