Autopass is a tool that allow you to automatically type your secrets. Secrets can be user/password of a websites, a ssh password, etc ...
The program will type your login/password or just whatever you want depending on the 'autotype' key of the password entry.
Let's say you have an entry looking like these:
gopass edit website/github
user: [email protected]
autotype: user !Tab pass !Return
Then the program will:
- Type the 'user' key value
- Type the Tab key
- Type the 'pass' key value (previously set by the application)
- Type the Enter/Return key
- gopass is installed and GOPASS_PATH env var is set
- rofi is installed
- python3 is installed
- Launch script with dmenu or from the consle
- Search your entry
- Type enter
- Windows 10
- en_us keyboard layout is installed on the windows
- Gopass is installed and the exe path is set to $PATH
- The application is installed in the StartMenu
- The application as a shortut set (Shortcut can only be configured on the startMenu)
- Gopass entries have key/value set such as:
user: [email protected]
autotype: user !Tab pass !Return
- Perform shortcut
- Search your entry
- Type enter
The application use the Windows SendKeys API that doesn't work well with keyboard layout different than EN_US.
Therefore it will change the keyboard layout before typing the entry and will switch back to default afterward
If the password a special chars such as '+', '%', '^' then they will be interprated by SendKeys instead of just typing them.
The application will enclose those chars with '{}' as asked by the SendKeys documentation.\
see SenKeys API is installed